
Surfing items/knowing about surfing.?

by Guest65547  |  earlier

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do you ABSOLUTELY have to have a rashguard/bodysuit.

what does it prevent?

and what about the leash?

is it so you wont loose it?

and what kind of surfboard is a REALLY GOOD one out there?

please help me

if you can please help me learn about surfing,

anything and everything




  1. If you dont take surfing as serious, then you probably wont need the wet suit but you can pee in it, it feels better, you feel safe, and the main purpose of a wet suit is if you dont want to end up getting wet, the suit will keep you completely dry so that way its just easier to change and you're all dry and it protects you from really cold temperatures! You also have to have control over the board so you can turn easily

    no the leash isnt for so you wont loose it. its just there so you can keep your board near you all the time, mainly just so you wont loose your board.

    well i dont know what the top brand is but i use Roxy's. Its a brand for surfboards and it costs about 650 dollars a board.

    its really good, you should check it out.

    the main thing you should know about surfing is good balance and to swim good.


    its fun

    you can stay in the waters

    the water always feels good because its breezy and the wind can help you a little too

    its crazy!

    you just do it for innocent fun


    its dangerous

    its not easy for the first time

    its expensive

    you can get caught in currents often which is dangerous, dotn fight off the currents or you're just in for a bad time

    watch out for corals and reefs on the bottom of the coeans

    watch yoru head

    make sure you have a buddy ro someone watching you in case bad something happens

    you have to have really good balance

    you have to know how to swim in maybe 15-20 feet of waters, maybe more.

    longboards are for small waves, shortboards are for bigger waves

    since you're a begininger, you shoudl get a longboard.

    how tall ar eyou?

    if you're about 5'4-59, get a 6'4 feet longboard

    if you're like 5'3, get a 6'0 feet longboard.

    if you're 6'0-6'4, get a 7'2 feet long board.

    you also have to buy really good wax, try sexwax its the best thing to use.

    the wax it to help you balance more and you stay in place with both of your feet.

  2. Two reasons for rashguards.  Forst, it prevents you from getting a rash   under your arms when wearing a wetsuit, or getting a wax rash on your stomach from paddling.  Second reason is to help prevent skin cancer if you are in the sun a lot.

    A leash is requred on many beaches for safety of thse around you.  In your case, since you asked the question, I would say a leash is necessary.  you don't want to lose your board outside or loose it in front of someone.  

    What kind of surfboard is good out there???  Out where?  Rent one.

    You can learn about some of surfing on the surf library at

  3. The rash guard will avoid scratching yourself when you mount the surfboard.  It is not necessary but it is comfortable to wear it.

    The leash is necessary otherwise you will loose the board or it can hit somebody else in the water.  The leash  can also help you determine which way is up after a wipe out.  This is important when you are not such an experienced surfer as myself.

    The surfboard should be one that accommodates to your size and weight, if you are starting a long board is easier.  But if you take surfing classes the instructor should be able to guide you.

  4. No, unless you buy a really wide custom board or clump the red s**y wax on the deck of the board. My favorite wax is the clear or coconut color, any color wax with scents give me rash. The leash saves your board, and wasted swimming time. Wheredo you live? In Hawaii go to Local Motion, Island Creation, Town and Country or Blue Hawaii are the best in Hawaii for custom shape board large and small waves. I found a website that has similar boards that ship custom boards to your home. See

    ENJOY, Respect your Locals, and Righteous Surfing to You....

  5. Rash gaurds protect you from getting a rash caused by your wax. They are not necessary.

    The leash is to prevent the board from being washed in to the shore when you wipe out.

    As for what board is really good, it depends on a few things.

    1 your height and weight

    2 the type of wave

    3 style of surfing

    e-mail me if you have any further questions.

  6. no, a lot of people go bareback (without a rash gaurd)

    during the winter and colder days, you would want a wetsuit/springsuit.

    they keep you warmer.

    leashes are important, mostly so you don't lose your board, but it is also so your board doesn't hit someone else.

    where i live it is illegal to surf without a leash.

    and i'm no expert on good surfboards.


  7. Body Glove equipment it kind of pricy but good for surfing, actually it's known for surfing!

  8. No, you don't absolutely have to have a rashguard. Many people go surfing just in their bathing suits, but if you plan to spend time out in the water and sun, I would definitely suggest getting one. Just as the name implies, it keeps you from getting a rash from when you paddle out.  If you go all out and get a full wetsuit, it will also help keep you warmer if you want to surf in colder temperature waters.

    As far as the leash, they are required in many places, but even if they aren't where you are going, I would still highly reccomend one. Because at some point you WILL fall off your board and once that happens, it's nearly impossible to hang on to your board. Chasing after a surf board is not really fun, especially if you're not yet a very strong swimmer. Also, loose boards are dangerous because they can hit other swimmers or surfers. Not to mention that they can take off and end up hitting rocks or something and you'll end up with a smashed board.

    Although hands on is the only real way to learn, I would suggest the book "Surf Like A Girl". It goes through everything and should give you a good knowledge base to make lessons easier.

  9. A rash is designed to protect you from the elements. Limit your exposure to the sun mostly, prevent rashes caused by sand sticking to your board wax, but also offer a little more warmth, etc...

    A leash is not used by everyone, is a matter of personal preference, and is usually based on conditions. Conditions meaning size of swells and reef breaks (where you can knock yourself out or get trapped) and so on.

    It's not just so you wont lose your board after a pounding - your leash is a lifeline which you pull yourself back up to the surface with and your board is like a personal floatation device. You run a small risk of getting trapped by your leash and being unable to free yourself.

    A really good surfboard for a beginner is whatever the surf shop recommends after you take a lesson! :) Usually it's a Mal (size) and most brands will do just fine if it's your first board.

    If you want to learn more about surfing you can:

    1. Subscribe to

    2. Get books and movies for free from your library.

    3. Visit your nearest surf shop


    5. View the Learn to Surf Podcast series at

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