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Well I'm going to the beach for a week and I really wanna learn how to surf. I don't have a real surf bored, i have a boogie bored thing. But what's an easy way to learn to surf on a boogie bored??




  1. YOU NEED A SURF BOARD!!!! i also would recomend a teacher

  2. Boogie boards aren't designed to surf with, so there'll be no easy way to learn to surf on a boogie board.... unless you wanta boogie board.  Get a surfboard, you can't surf without a surfboard.  You could get like a softop or something.  Boogie boarding and surfing are waaaay 2 different things.

  3. You really can't surf with a boggie board so I suggest that you get a surf board where your going, cause I know thier should be a shop that sell's surf boards and swim suits.

  4. Well you can't necessarily surf on a boogie board. The closest thing you can do is throw the boogie board down on shore and glide on the thin layer of water [standing up].

    Other than that, get a real surf board and find someone to teach you :) You can try teaching yourself, but there are a lot of things you need to know so that probably won't work out TOO well.


  5. You can't learn how to "SURF" on a boogie board. You can learn how to ride a boogie board, but that is not surfing. Standing up on a surfboard and riding waves in is surfing. By the way, Boogie boarding can be great fun, and "spongers' have their own sets of moves, that are unique to that sport. There is more to Boogie boarding than just splashing around in the water. it is also an ocean sport.

    Surfing is an ocean sport. before you decide to surf, decide to know and understand the ocean. Learn to be at home with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes BIG waves. The original surfers were watermen (and women, both men and women surfed, but certain waves were reserved for royalty.  I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards. However, if they think you are just a 'kook' tourist out to rent a board, you won't necessarily get the best attention.

    Also, I have to be honest with you. You can have great fun in a week, whether you boogie board, or take surfing lessons. But there is no way you are really going to learn how to "SURF" in one week. So, go to the beach, take some lessons, have a blast, and maybe next year you can come back and spend more time.

    Good luck. Once you try surfing (and learn the 'right way') you'll have fun for life. I have been surfing since 1966.

    Take the time to check out the links, especially surfingforlife.

  6. HP, you can't surf with a boogie board. Check the internet for surf lessons at the beach you're going to. Group lessons are cheaper and more fun. Call ahead and see if you can make reservations. The instructor will supply the board with the lessons.

  7. no board no surf

  8. you can get a soft body board or a long board to learn with but definitely expensive if you aren't going to use it later you might wanna rent one

  9. HP,

    I think your question has been answered in the above comments. I thought I would drop a line in anyway...

    find a surfschool. These guys will give you an hour or two lesson. You can then borrow/rent a board (softboard is best) so you can continue on your path to learning to surf.

    Surfing does not come overnight, however the journey is a great one and if you stick with it you will love it! It can take years to get to a good level of surfing, however if you are committed and want to have fun it can come a lot quicker.

    Like any sport, have the right equipment can make sure you get the most out of your session. By speaking with a surf school or local surf shop they can point you in the right direction for what board to use. As discussed above for a first timer, get on a large foam board. There are a number of companies that make these. They provide good stability, are unbreakable and wont harm you or anyone around you!

    Practice in the broken wave so you have time to stand and balance.

    Hope you have a good time HP.

    In september we are launching a new site 'mesurf' and this will be an in depth site about helping YOU as a surfer get the most out of the sport. For beginners to experts and covering all aspects of the sport.



  10. body boarding is fine for beginners because you can get a feel for sliding down the face of a wave without risking the repeated falling of trying to standup. if you feel confident on the body board, you can try "drop knee" which is sliding your front foot up and putting your back knee on the board.

  11. lmao is all im gonna say to this question

  12. if you realllllly want to surf, I suggest renting a board for a week- or, ask your neighbors if they have any old boards you could borrow for the week.

    surfing on a boogie board (also called a bodyboard) is called 'stand up-bodyboarding' the bigger your bodyboard is, the easier it is to stand on a bodyboard. There is no easy way to learn to stand on a bodyboard, and it is a little different from surfing, because not only is the board smaller, but you have to balance your weight on the front and back of the board to actually ride the wave. You can try it, but it's not at all easy.

    If you can't get ahold of a surfboard, and you find stand-up too difficult, then I reccomend working on your bodyboarding. it is a really great sport- have you ever seen the pros do it? They can get awesome air (flying off the wave and up into the air), and they can spin their boards around (360's), and do flips off of the wave, and throw huge spray with their boards. If you haven't seen good bodyboarders, then you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. They ride the wave to the side like surfers, not just the white wash (the white foamy part of the wave that has already broken).  Try going onto youtube and searching 'pro bodyboarding'- you'll be amazed at the stuff they can do. So don't be afraid to just stick with bodyboarding- it is, in my opinion, besides surfing,  the best, most innovative sport out there.
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