
Surfing waves in Hampton East coast?

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I want to go surfing this saturday w/ my friends but they all want to go see a movie. I know a storm is coming up thi weekend and good waves saturday. Are there going to be any good waves on sunday or should i definately go on Saturday?




  1. s***w your friends and go surfing. Who the h**l would go see a movie instead of surfing. Here in Montauk, its supposed to be overhead tomorrow and double overhead on Sunday...Hampton must be getting some swell. If you'd rather be with your friends at a movie than surfing these waves, just give up surfing.  

  2. dude, dont even bother

    hampton beach is wicked cold and whats the point to go in a storm

  3. If I were you, I'd being out early Saturday morning on the dawn patrol. Projections have the storm in New England at 8 AM on Sunday. That means by Saturday afternoon, you're going to be stuck with heavy rain and high winds. By Sunday, it could be Lake Michigan flat, and you will have missed it. You can always go to a movie, you only get hurricane surf a few times a year (and I'm stuck working....).

    By the way, surfnattie, what makes you think that the Hamptons are cold on September 5? It was 90 in Phila. and NYC today, and the water is 75.

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