
Surgeons daughter administering IV'

by Guest64233  |  earlier

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I work for an oral surgeon. his daughter is GOING to school for dental hygiene...just started and she administers IV's daily. Is this legal? She doesn't have a license of any kind.




  1. As a hygienist I would say NO! Unless she is a licensed nurse or perhaps had other specialized training (EMT, Army medic) I doubt it. You should look up the state rules and regulations at the Board of Health site for your state. Maybe she is good at it, but I doubt it is legal. EEK!

    JAMRDH - a dental hygienist

  2. depends on what state you're in...every state has different laws on the books.  some require a RDH to insert an IV and some states allow a dental assistant to do it.  Some states don't regulate it at all as long as it is supervised by a dentist.  Did you ask your dentist?

    EDIT:  Check out the MO dental board site.  They allow unlicensed dental assistants to perform IV with training from a licenced dentist.  Therefore she is allowed to perform the procedure.  A side note is that he only has to be in the building when the procedure is taking place, not even in the room.  Some states require that when an unlicensed person is performing the procedure that the doctor is in the room but not Missouri.

    Also, for those who are saying that only the dentist/doctor  or a RDH can do it...go to a hospital and see if an LVN can insert an IV...the answer is yes as can a student under supervision.

  3. Hello....If his daughter isn't trained and certified to administer IV sedation she is performing an "Illegal " act and he is risking the patients life and his practice....Report it to the Medical Board ASAP.

  4. that sounds illegal to me.

  5. That is so illegal!!! In the dental field only the doctor is allowed to do that.  I know a dental assistant and I asked her.  I know that the doctor can lose his license if he gets caught by the state.  I know when I went to my oral surgeon the doctor put the iv in me.  i would have a fit if anybody else would have put an iv in me other than the doctor.

  6. Report her. She shouldn't be doing that because she isn't certified and is still a student. Unless there is some sort of written permission by her school (which I doubt) then she shouldn't be doing it. You need to report this before she makes a mistake and really hurts someone. If that happens, her father will have a huge lawsuit on his hands and may lose his practice and license.

    My father is an oral surgeon....unfortunately, some of them think they can get away with anything because the laws are so loose for dentists/oral and maxillofacial surgeons. My father found that out the hard way.

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