
Surgery on infant im scared?

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how do you feel about putting your month old - 18 month old under the general anasthesia (however that is spelled)

For 90 minutes - 3 hours would you be okay with it is it safe?

My son has to do it for a p***s hypospaidus surgery :(




  1. I just looked up your sons condition, and although its scary it's necessary. If you want, ask your doctor if you could wait a little while longer, but it will have to happen

    Best of Luck

  2. My son is going to need this done.  His father had the same thing as well, and his mom was a nervous wreck, but she said it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought.  It's a simple procedure and it's more common than you'd think.  They wait until the babies are older than 10 months to make sure it's safe.  My son's dad had it done when he was 11 months old and it turned out fine.

    So don't worry about it at all.  18 months is in the clear.  I'm sure I'll be a wreck when my little guy is old enough for his surgery.

  3. Hi I'm a neonatal intensive care nurse, along with the pediatric intensive care nurse and let me assure you a little boy will be just fine.  Just make sure he's  hypospaidus repair is done at a reparable hospital and a urologists is performing the procedure. An anesthesiologist will normally meet with you prior to the procedure and get a family and background history. The surgical procedure should take under an hour however,  he may be in recovery for an hour or so afterwards. I'm sure he will be fine. : )

    good luck.  

  4. i would say your pretty scared about your son going through Surgery


    Good luck

  5. He should be fine.  Tell them at the hospital that you demand to have an anesthesiologist in the room at all times, not a resident.  Children undergo longer percedures all the time.  Hypospadius will not take 3 hrs.  One and a half tops.

    And it is normal to be afraid.  Your son is your most prized posession.  Trust the doctor to take good care of him.

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