
Surname suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to change my surname. I am looking for any suggestions. My forename is Tanya. All suggestions welcome. If the name has an origin or meaning I would love to know. Thank you




  1. How about Fury?  If you're an actress, Tanya Fury would be a great stage name, especially if you're into action films.

    I knew a co-worker whose last name was Fuori; he pronounced it as "fury."

  2. make it something really ethnic haha

    kralj- pronounced "cry"

    its my moms name and means king in croatian

  3. Hyde...

  4. Clinton---It was good enough for Bill, he changed it to Clinton.

  5. Adalira = fairy of the harp

    It will go with Tanya, which is Russian for Fairy Princess

  6. Banana hammock lol

    just kidding

    What is wrong with the one you have?

    What about Cellas lol it was the first thing that came into my head.

  7. i like 'Skye'

  8. Skin.
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