
Surprise hamster babies?

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On sunday august 3 i got a hammy named latte. So i watch her and she seemed to be gaining weight.. I thought she might be pregnant, but i wasnt sure. Today i went out to dinner, and when i come back she is in a nest looking thing...She walks of 4 a second and i c hamster babies!

What should i do? this is the first time ive had a hamster, but i know lots. What should i do???????????? PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. Ha ha, same thing happened to me.  I used this site:

    It was very helpful and my hamster nursed six healthy babies.

    It's not very difficult.  The mother does all the work.  The most important thing to remember is NOT to touch the babies.  She may eat some anyway, and don't be mortified if she does - the pup might be sick or too weak.  Good Luck!

  2. First, I would suggest not disturbing the new mom.  Make sure the area around her cage is quiet and don't have too many bright lights.  Do not change the cage for at least two weeks.  Hamster moms, especially new moms, don't handle stress very well and she might eat the babies if she gets very stressed out.  

    I would give the new mommy some food with some protein such an a little bit of egg, or a little cheese, a little chicken, or plain dog biscuits.  

    There isn't much to do besides let the mom be to raise her pups.  Make sure the water bottle is low enough for the little guys.  At about three weeks it is usually safe to pick up the babies.  At that point they should be walking around on their own and eating some regular food if not sooner.  At four weeks you should probably s*x the babies and separate them.  The mom can actually become pregnant by one of her male pups.  

    Check out the link if you like.  This site has some excellent information.


  4. Don't touch them, the mother would reject them.

    Instead, let her do her thing. At 28 days, you may remove them. If you can't  find homes for them. Your local pet shelter should take them.

  5. The most important thing is leave them alone, let Latte be the  momma.  If any thing does happen use a spoon to move the baby, so not to leave a scent on it or hurt it.  If you want to put like two tissues in so Latte can build a soft nest you can.  Change water and food a lot but do it calm and efficientlyy and make sure the food is high in protein.  If you want to give Latte a power boost give her smallportionss of boiled egg and grilled chicken both super high in protein. At three weeksseparatee the female and male babies from each other, and find families for them.  Also call the pet store and ask if they need any shots after a certain week.

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