
Surprise party how to?

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hey so im planning a surprise birthday party for my friend but she has supper high standards so of course i want it to be amazingg! Do you have any ideas on what I should do? what would the best surprise party in your mind be?( im a girl incase you didn't know my display name doesn't quiet show that so i thought it might help) also were under drinking age so it has to be alchol free.. mainly.




  1. I mostly agree with Jackie, 45 minutes before, exc.

    But...have it at the beach. Have everyone drive down there 30 minutes before, and have you and her drive down there after everyone else.

    Tell her you just wanted to spend some time with her. When you're right about to approach the beach, text someone at the party and let them know you're almost there.

  2. play truth or dare when you suprise her

  3. Make sure the guests know it's a surprise party (so they don't tell her), that's important. Also, make sure that your guests arrive about 45 minutes before the birthday girl, and if you can arrange it, have them park somewhere where their cars won't be noticed by your friend.

    Lots of decorations, turn the lights out before she arrives, and yell surprise!! Hope yall have fun!

  4. A bunch of my friends and I had a sleepover at one of my friends house. We kept the friends that was having a birthday busy going shopping, seeing a movie, etc for the whole day while we got ready. We prepared snacks and soda game and other stuff downstairs in their rec room/basement then got a pool cover and fixed it up to  the ceiling to where when we pulled it down it dropped a sign that said happy birthday and a bunch of balloons. After the friend who was having the birthday came back we surprised her, went out to eat then came back for the sleepover.

    hope that helps
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