
Surprising pregnancy discomforts?

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I was just wondering what are some of the discomforts of pregnancy you are feeling or have felt that no one warned you about?

We always hear about morning sickness and sore b***s, but what discomforts have you experienced that you had no idea to prepare for [if you can even prepare for them =)]? For example, this is my first pregnancy, and before it I had no idea what round ligament pains were or that they would make it nearly impossible to get comfy at night!

[And I do award a best answer!]




  1. lately ive been getting heart palpatations with breathlessness. but its common and nothing to worry about for now.

    theres so many things that happen while your pregnant, but reading up on things help to know what i might be in for.

  2. constipation, and the baby stayed on my siatic nerve, that was the most painful thing in the world, i also had the discomforts of having preclempsia (which is basically just really high blood pressure and i had to be monitored constantly) and on top of all of that i also had gaul stones, and after i delievered my son they wouldnt even let me eat a piece of cake! that was horrible. but i have him now and he was worth every thing that i went through!!!

  3. I knew sickness would rear it's ugly head, but I had no idea about sciatica!

    (or as I put it, blinding butt-muscle pain)

    I had no idea that was coming. I'd be walking , and suddenly it strikes, which makes my leg jerk and I look like a moron (not to mention it hurts like h**l!)

    And when the family asks why I'm putting a heat bag on my butt cheek...they just don't see the serious side of it! haha.

    Oh, and after reading other answers, I really didn't expect some of these baby kicks to hurt as much as they have.

    Plus, I will never take the ability to properly bend for granted again.

  4. It really, really hurts when baby kicks me in the ribs sometimes. Im only 27 weeks too so I know its going to get worse :s...

  5. I don't even know where to start...yes round ligament pain is a good one.

    Nerve pain in your lower back/butt/leg later on (sciatic pain).

    That your belly gets so big, you truly can't lean over to tie your shoes, pick something up, and it even becomes hard to reach far enough to wipe after you pee. Shaving your legs, painting your toenails....ha! Good luck. It can be done, but it's not easy once you are very far along. And Forget about the possibility of keeping it groomed "down there" if that is something you normally do.

    Sometimes the baby can kick or move around in there so hard in the end, that it really hurts.

    No matter how often you have to pee throughout your pregnancy, it will keep getting worse. When the baby is large, he or she can kick or push against your bladder so hard that you literally think you will pee your pants on the spot.

    Leg cramps and charlie horses

    "lightning crotch" - sharp pains you get in your v****a. OUCH!

    Excessive nose c**p, and it is always slightly bloody. (Yes, this can happen and is normal lol)

    I could go on and on. Then of course there are the typical things you hear about - breast/nipple soreness, morning sickness, exhaustion, heartburn/acid reflux, breaking out, veins on your b***s, stretch marks, constipation, swelling especially in the feet and seems there is no end haha

  6. My son laid on a nerve in my hip joint and every so often my leg would collapse, particularly embarrassing when walking around asda!! Also i fainted a lot from low blood pressure which i suffer from anyway but pregnancy made worse so that was good too, Lower back pain as i got bigger and my pubic bone split which hurt like h**l and made it impossible to walk, after all this i ask myself "was it worth it?" h**l YEAH!!!!

    Good Luck!

  7. Nobody told me that pregnancy was so smelly!  The gas is just quite unbelievable.  Who thought that one little person could make so much gas!  And it's surprisingly painful too.

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