
Surprising silence of feminists on Michelle Obama?

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I recently read a piece in the Wash post on outspoken feminists like Steinem, ferraro, and the NY times feminist writers on michelle Obama. I wonder why they aren't saying anything about Michelle being attacked by the right wing male dominated media personalities like Hannity, Rush, and Oreilly. These people attacked her wrongly of being angry, against America, and refering to some people as whitey ( which is not true, and hasn't been proved. This is flat out sexism.

Do we shout for certain women and ignore others? After all Rosa parks and the civil right movement helped advance all women's cause.




  1. It's ok, we all already know to dismiss what people like Hannity, Rush, and OReilly say as nonsensical right wing bullsh*t.

  2. Michelle Obama is a very volatile person. I do not support the Obamas and I'm a feminist. Though, I do not like Limbaugh or Hannity we live in a free society and they should be able to criticize her any way they want. What does Rosa Parks have to do with this? How is Michelle advacing womens' rights? She is only advancing the status of her family.

  3. Mrs. Obama has the grace of a one legged pirate dancing lead in Swan Lake. She is so vile even the liberal media can't take her side. She would make a terrible first lady.

  4. Right... its sexism that she got criticized.

    Because white male politicians dont ever get c**p thrown at them.

    Get over yourself.

  5. But they are. Just look on; whenever someone talks about Michelle Obama in a sexist or racist manner, they're on it.

  6. Don't people shout for certain MEN and ignore others?  Why should it be any different for women?People don't generally walk in lockstep and agree on everything...including feminists.  

    Some feminsts (like me) are pro-Obama, others were and still are not. Look at some of the women who could be considered "feminists" but who are going for John McCain (like Carly Fiorina the former HP CEO)

    You can't control everyone, and one feminist does NOT speak for ALL feminists.

  7. Let me explain something

    its not sexism just because she is a woman and some one criticized her

  8. These people are simply racists and not everybody listens to them or takes them seriously. Don't let the opinions of a few right-wing extremists let you believe that's how everybody thinks. To another poster, who cares what kind of First Lady Michelle Obama would make? In other countries, people elect the leaders, not their spouses. When Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of Britain, most people did not know much about her husband. Many did not even know his name and that's the way it should be.

  9. I've heard many women speaking out against the way Michelle Obama is being treated. Maureen Dowd of the NY Times has written about it.

  10. In my opinion, the strategy is not to let her hang out there, but rather to not paint her with the word feminist.

    To be called a feminist in this country is about as bad as it is to be called a liberal.  This strategy was used against Bill Clinton during his campaigns.  Remember the term "Billary"?

    There are going to be attacks, no matter what, from Republican on Democrat, or Democrat on Republican, or within party lines, for that matter.  Chasing after each and every attack is a waste of time.

    Possibly, they are remaining silent in order to keep the emphasis on Barack Obama.

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