
Surrogatge mother?

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I recently had a baby boy, which is a miracle because of my health. I have now been told that I cannot carry another child and need to have a tubal. It is not the fact that I am infertile it is just a case of I dont have enough antibodies in my system. But I dont want this to be the end! I want kids! I mean I love my son to death he is my little miracle! But I want him to have a friend, a brother or a sister, I want a daughter so much it hurts and I hate saying that becasue I love my son and I wouldnt give him up for anything. But I would like to try for a girl, or even just another baby. I am a big family person I love kids I have worked with kids all my life and I love it. We are thinking of adopting (but I get sad becasue the baby wouldnt be "ours" but it would become ours. But having a surrogate it would be ours just "cooking in another oven"lol. Should I got with a surrogate? should I adopt? or should I just quit while I am ahead. I am becoming depressed over this.................




  1. I know this is going to sound cruel, but be glad you have your little miracle.  There are thousands of couples out there who would do anything to have one child.  You have been blessed with your son and in an ideal world it would be lovely for him to have a baby brother or sister, but this world is not ideal, it sometimes is very cruel and, unfortunately, you have been dealt a cruel blow.  You do, however, have your little miracle.  Enjoy him and be glad you have him.

  2. Like the first poster said, why not enjoy what you have for awhile, then as he gets older you can decide what is the better option for you, surrogacy or adoption.  It's really a private option that you have time to think it over rather then jump into surrogacy or adoption so quickly.
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