
Survey... (8 questions)?

by  |  earlier

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1. Are you using a computer or a laptop?

2. Do you have a headache?

3. One person you wish was there with you right now, but they're far away?

4. Are you angry with someone?

5. When was the last time you got sick and what was it?

6. What model is your cell phone?

7. Do you think orange is a good nailpolish color?

8. What do you think this survey is for?

No mean answers, please...thanks!




  1. 1) Computer

    2) No, but I get them a lot. It's a genetic thing.

    3) I really miss my friends who live in Texas (I live in California) and my grandpa, who is in a nursing home.

    4) I am not, really.

    5) March this year I got sick for a week with some BAD pneumonia.

    6) I do not know. All I am aware of it that it's black and silver, from Motorola, and that it works! :)

    7) Not in the least.

    8) I think that you were bored and put this on.

  2. 1.A laptop

    3Michael las month i always throw up before i get my period

    6.a razor


  3. 1 computer

    2 i always do

    3 my best guy friend keilen

    4 yes my ex bf

    5 i twisted my ankle 2 weeks ago

    6 Voyager

    7 neon orange only

    8 absolutley no clue

  4. 1. Laptop

    2. For once, no.

    3. My best friend micaila

    4.Yes, my brother.

    5. beginning of pregnancy, morning sickness

    6. blackberry curve :]

    7. Not at all

    8. For people who are as bored as I am lol

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