
Survey #8 (to the Vegetarians)?

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please copy and paste the questions.if you don't i will NOT read your makes it easier to read the answers

1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

2.When was the last time you ate meat?

3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

6.Has anyone offer you meat?

7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

9.Are you a Vegan?

10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

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  1. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    My Mum went off meat when she was pregnant with me for no apparent reason and I've been on and off vegetarianism since I was 10 - I have an ethical problem with it and I don't think it agrees with my body. I gain weight and my skin breaks out.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    Probably about two weeks ago? I've been slowly becoming vegetarian again after about 18 months of eating meat.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    Nope. No-one else I know.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    Yeah I guess so.

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I don't preach it because that's as pathetic as preaching religion but if somebody wants information I'm more than willing to give it to them. I do however preach the importance of choosing free-range over caged eggs and organic dairy products because that's a simple switch that doesn't put anyone out.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    Yeah, because alot of people don't know I'm vegetarian.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    When they find out they might jokingly tell me to but they could never force me. Unless they wanted a smack in the head!

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?


    9.Are you a Vegan?

    Nope. I like my eggs and dairy but I choose cruelty-free versions. Cows are meant to make milk and chickens are meant to lay eggs, otherwise it'll make them sick - so it may aswell be put to use. I respect what veganism stands for though.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    Call me a sell out but yeah I would. There's alot of good I could do with a million dollars.

  2. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    I found out about the extent of cruelty involved in factory farming and slaughter, and decided to stop eating meat. I have since found out about the health benefits of vegetarianism so it seems like an all-round good choice.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    um.. i don't know exactly.. close to two years.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    yeah my sister is a vegetarian, and a few of my friends. not that many though.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?


    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    i don't know.. i don't want to try to make someone do something they don't believe in but if people criticise me for becoming vegetarian (saying it's unhealthy etc) i do try to educate them.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    yeah, usually when they don't know i am vegetarian, or as a joke but sometimes people do just offer it to me for some reason!!

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?


    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    i don't think so.. i had a boyfriend that ate less meat while going out with me but he has reverted so not really the same thing.

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    no but after reading 'the ethics of what we eat' by peter singer i am considering it.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    it's hard to say without actually being in the situation, because a great amount of good could be done with $1 million but i doubt it.

  3. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    I don't think something should have to die just so I can eat it.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    Thanksgiving 2 years ago.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    A few friends.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    Yes, very.

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I don't like people trying to get me to eat meat, so I don't try and get people to stop.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?


    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    Not really.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?


    9.Are you a Vegan?

    Trying to become one.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    Yes, because I could save a lot more animals with a milliondollars. I would use the money to help other animals.

  4. 1 eating less meat means less methane gasses from cows that arent k=covered by the kyoto protocol and go dirictley to the ozone

    10 yes

  5. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    I believe it was the constant joke of me saying oh i'm a vegetarian but i still continued to eat chicken and fish. I felt ridiculous.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat? Well the last time I ate red meat I was 14. I stopped eating it because the taste always made me sick. I stopped eating chicken and fish in 2006.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    My boyfriend is a vegan. I would want to include my mum but she still eats fish.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    I sure am :) I'm proud to know that I am taking a proactive stance towards my health and at the same time also looking out for the welfare of "food"animals. Though for me to fully believe that I'm making difference towards "food animals", I am working on veganising myself :)

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I cannot convince anybody, but I can show them the benefits of eating a vegetarian diet. I don't like to shove anything down anybody's throats, most of the time people will get defensive and just reject anything you say.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    Well yes, but usually it's because people aren't aware of my status, or when it comes to my father, he's just stupid and still insists that vegetarians eat chicken.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    Never, they've suggested it, but never forced.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian because of you?

    I don't think so.

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    No, but I'm working on it :)

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    No, the thought actually makes me feel a little sick.

  6. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    I am a nutrition/dietician student- I see there are far too many pros to a vegetarian diet in comparison to the too many cons in an omni/carn diet.

    I am also ethically against causing another being harm if unnecessary. Factory Farming is terrible. It's more horrific than most people know. A lot of people, I think, believe the animals they get meat from go outside, eat plenty of food and get fresh water, live somewhat decent lives and are killed somewhat humanely- but this is far from the truth.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    Almost 2 years ago.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    My boyfriend has been a vegetarian for almost 3 months now. I'm proud of him but he is the only one I know in person. I have made a lot of online connections through my own little outreach efforts, however.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    Yes- I'm proud because I'm doing something important. I don't let the media brainwash me or do things just because it has been done for a long time. It shows courage enough to do the right thing and to be myself. It shows I care about my own health and other's well-being.

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    Can I? I feel that I could...but I don't try to convice people- just educate them about the facts and let them make the decision. I don't run around telling people "Do this!".

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    Often. People usually don't know I'm a vegetarian. There are some who offer me it even if they do know. It's such a big part of our society, if anyone is going to offer you any food- it will probably have meat in it some where.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    No. My parents, while they didn't understand, didn't make me. As an adult, no one could make me.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    I do think I have influenced people to go vegetarian, yes. My boyfriend, who I never convinced to become a vegetarian, chose to do so a few months ago. I guess he agreed with a lot of my reasons.

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    Yes. I haven't always been but for about the last 2 years, I have been vegan.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    This would take some consideration. If it is already dead, I cannot bring it back to life, I may take that into consideration only if I could use that $1 Million Dollars to make a huge difference in how people view vegetarianism, etc. Most likely, I still wouldn't do that because it feels like 'selling out' and I'm not going to do some thing just for some money. I would definately have to research how much of a difference money like that could make so a life of an animal wouldn't be in vain.

  7. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

            I did some Biblical research and decided that I felt that God did not intend for people to eat meat....I try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and even if he did eat meat in his own time (which I do not think that he did) I don't believe that he would support the factory farming that occurs today.  I also went veg for ethical reasons...thinking about eating the flesh of something that was once a living, breathing, happy animal is repulsive to me.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

         During the holiday season....I officially went veg for the new year.  This is my second round of going veg though...I was vegetarian for years when i was younger but had to give it up because i couldn't keep a well rounded diet in college and was becoming unhealthy.  I've had much better luck this time =)

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

        I don't know a single person that is fully vegetarian.  My husband is working on it, but he hasn't given up seafood yet.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

       I am VERY proud to be a vegetarian!!

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

       Probably not, and I wouldn't try.  I only talk to people about vegetarianism if they ask me first.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

        Plenty of people.....all it takes is a simple, "No thanks...I don't eat meat" and they usually don't ask again.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat? would anyone do that?!  If you're asking if someone has held a gun to my head and said they would kill me unless I ate a steak, no....that has not happened to me.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

        My hubby is working on it!! It's nice to know that he saw me do it and decided that it was easier than he thought =)

    9.Are you a Vegan?

        No, I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian that is trying to become a lacto-vegetarian (I'm cutting out eggs).

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

         No.  Now that I know how to be a healthy vegetarian I plan to stick with this for life.  1 million dollars would not be worth compromising my morals and religious beliefs.....I'd rather stay guilt free and work hard for my money, thanks.

  8. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?  health & philosophy

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?  more than 25 yrs ago

    3.Are any in your family or friends a Vegetarian?  all of family - most friends

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?  never really thought about it.  

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?  yeah!

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?  not lately

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat? ha  no never

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?  yes

    9.Are you a Vegan?  no, don't think it's realistic - to truely be Vegan you would have to give up Fossil Fuels and anything derived from them- Dinos were animals too.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1million dollars?(just one bite)  no not even with your mouth

  9. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    a trip to a pig farm.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?


    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    no - well my wife is now.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    not really, its just something i am. i don't seen the need to be proud of something that takes no effort

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    no, i can offer advice and facts, its up to them.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?


    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    tried ( via emotional blackmail "but if you really like me you'll..blah de blah" ), but failed

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?


    9.Are you a Vegan?


    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    no, i have no need for $1M. If i was broke, the answer might be different. Many people might say yes if presented with a fork with chicken on it, and a case with $1M in it no questions asked.. You can do a lot of good with $1M and create a lot of new memories to wipe out 10 seconds of chicken munching.

  10. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    Two very influential friends were vegetarian and I needed a change in my life. They suggested i try it out, and I never turned back.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    March 26, 2005

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    My girlfriend is vegan and my mother is vegetarian, several friends are vegetarian, but not many.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?


    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    No, I am not an evangelical vegetarian. I find it is easiest for people to grasp if I'm not threatening their lifestyle. They question, I answer. I never persuade. Live and let live.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    All the time! Some say they will turn around while I try it so no one will ever know.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    No, but I have bitten into it unknowingly several times. :-(

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    I think I have influenced others..

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    Yes. 3 years in September

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    No, I need money, but it is not worth it to go against my morals like that..

  11. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian? Didn't like killing animals.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat? Few months ago. (I just recently made the decision of being Vegetarian)

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian? No, not that I'm aware of.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian? In a way, yes.

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian? Probably not, 'cause It's their own choice wether they wan't to be or not.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat? Yeah. My family always  tries to they don't really support me in becoming one.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat? No.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you? No.

    9.Are you a Vegan? No.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite) Idk.

  12. 1. What made to become a Vegetarian?

    The foot and mouth disease outbreak in 2001

    2. When was the last time you ate meat?

    May 2001

    3. Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    Yes, my brother and my parents

    4. Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?


    5. Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I've tried but no luck so far

    6. Has anyone offer you meat?

    Yes, my boyfriend's mother has tried to offer me a bacon sarnie

    7. Has anyone forced you to eat meat?


    8. Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    Yes, one of my friends

    9. Are you a Vegan?

    No, but I only eat free range dairy products

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    No, you're as bad as my boyfriend's mother!

  13. 1. health

    2. 18 months ago

    3. wife

    4. sure

    5. no one can convince anyone of anything without them wanting or being open to be convinced. Basic psychology

    6. yep

    7. lol... no, hasn't come to gunpoint yet.

    8. wife

    9. no

    10. Sure, I like millions.

  14. 1 What made to become a Vegetarian?

    See my story at

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?


    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    Yes! All of my friends are vegetarians and most of my family is also.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?


    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I have owned vegetarian restaurants, cooked in vegetarian conference centers professionally, cateed, give vegetarian cooking classes, have an awesome vegetarian website and have been somewhat influential in helping people to make the switch.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    People have not offered me flesh foods since my decision; though once at the very beginning my boss at the time made a Mousaka putting no meat on half of it not realizing that it was then wholly contaminated by it. He was disappointed but he got over it and understood his error. I explained that I certainly appreciated his intention and effort but that I could not eat it anyway.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    Only when I tried to become vegetarian the first time at eight and a half when I was away at a private school -- it is in my story -- go look.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    As I said in answer 5 I have been influential in several instances over the years.

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    No, but I use very little dairy.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    No. I couldn't and I wouldn't. The price would be to high for the animal to pay and way too high for my soul..

  15. 1. Nobody made me become vegetarian. I wanted to eat better, and started out cutting out all red meat. Didn't like fish, but then I cut out chicken. Thus, I was a vegetarian.

    2. I had my last chicken breast in 2000.

    3. I am the head chef of this family household, so I cooked two meals for two years. When I saw that I was healthy and living with only dairy and eggs (animal by-products) I told the family that we were going vegetarian in 2001as a New Year's Resolution. We went vegan by 2003 as my daughter's New Year's Resolution for the family. (We thought about going RAW, but that has not come to be yet. My kids are now leaving the nest to do what they want. And so far the one that left is still vegan-though not always organic since she can't find it in the grocery stores were she goes to college and work yet).

    4. I am not proud of myself for anything. It is just what is right for me. I gave myself the label of a vegetarian, but I did not proclaim it in public.

    5. I am not an extrovert, and will talk about vegetarianism/veganism if people ask me, but I do not like soapboxing.

    6. Many times and I smile and say "No, thank you" politely.

    7. Nobody can force me to do anything that I do not want to do.

    8. Maybe not become vegetarian, but they are now introduced to the concept of it because of me. I am asked about my eating (like "what can you eat?") habits and they see me healthy and are curious as to how I live.

    9. After being vegetarian for 2 years, then our whole family went Vegan (and it has been now 5 years vegan).

    10. I am not into money, so no I would not.

  16. 1) vegan by choice

    2) never

    3) all

    4) yes

    5) i don't want to.. people have right to eat what they want

    6) No

    7) No

    8) Yes

    9) Yes

    10) Yes

  17. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    To make a long story short, I got really disgusted with eating meat.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    January 4, 2002.

    3.Are any in your family or friends a Vegetarian?

    Family, no; friends, yes.  

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?


    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I can try.  And if they won't go veg, I can get them to eat less meat.

    6.Has anyone offered you meat?

    Not since I've been veg.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    Considering I was long a grown woman when I went veg, it would take some serious threatening to get me to consume the stuff.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian because of you?

    I wish.  But I'd like to think I've had a positive influence on people.

    9.Are you a Vegan?


    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    My first instinct is to say h***s-to-the-no.  But then I think--what if I did take the one bite and get the million?  I could donate it to some pro-veg organizations like Compassion Over Killing, Farm Sanctuary, Poplar Springs, and the Humane Society (but not PETA)!  So I don't know.

  18. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian? I REALIZED I DID NOT HAVE TO EAT MEAT TO LIVE

    2.When was the last time you ate meat? IDK LIKE A YEAR AGO, MORE THAN A YEAR ACTUALLY

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian? 1 FRIEND, A FEW NON-IMMEDIATE RELATIVES

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian? YES

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian? NO, AND I DON'T TRY EITHER -- PEOPLE CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT!

    6.Has anyone offer you meat? YES

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat? NO

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you? NO

    9.Are you a Vegan? NO

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)NO

  19. 1.  I tried really hard and I could just NOT  do it on my own. Then I met my boyfriend, and he had been a vegetarian for a few years (this was 3 years ago) and I decided to give it another try. (I also didn't think it was right for me to eat meat and then try to kiss him.) He really helped me, and now we're both long-time vegetarians.

    2.  Summer of 2004

    3.  I have alot of friends that are vegetarian, but no family members.

    4.  Very much so.

    5.  No, not just anyone.

    6.  Yes, but they didn't know I was vegetarian.

    7.  No, they've only teased me.

    8.  I don't know.

    9.  No, not yet.

    10.  No.

  20. 1.What made to become a Vegetarian?

    I found out what the animals go through and it started making me sick when I ate it.

    2.When was the last time you ate meat?

    It was a couple of weeks ago by accident. There was meat in this nacho cheese at a party I went to and I didnt realize it. But I have been vegetarian for 1 year 3 months and 20 something days. I checked it a couple of days ago.

    3.Are any in your famaily or friends a Vegetarian?

    I have many friends who are vegetarian, but out of my very large famiy, no one is.

    4.Are you proud to be a Vegetarian?

    I love being vegetarian!!! I tell everybody. Well, not everybody, but I dont eat meat and I love it!

    5.Can you convince anyone to become a Vegetarian?

    I have tried, but it hasent worked. They cant give up meat.

    6.Has anyone offer you meat?

    People offer me meat all the time. Especially more now that they know that I dont eat it.

    7.Has anyone forced you to eat meat?

    No, thank goodness. I thought my family would, but they havent.

    8.Have people become a Vegetarian becouse of you?

    No, I wish they would.

    9.Are you a Vegan?

    No, but I want to be. I have given up ice cream, but I cant give up cheese.

    10.Would you eat meat for 1 million dollars?(just one bite)

    Thats a tough one. I dont know what I would do.

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