
Survey : An Old man is using the ATM in front of you...?

by  |  earlier

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He walks off and leaves £300 in the machine.

Do you take it and run for your life

Or run after him and give it back?




  1. I am the old man thankyou all

  2. He's old and elderly.  Yeah, I can't have that on my conscience for the rest of my life.

    Give it back...

  3. You are speaking of Michael Winner?

  4. I would give it back, absolutly.

    Respect your elders, they deserve it!

  5. Run to him and give it to him, of course!

  6. run after him and give it back

  7. I honestly dont know what i would do...=D

  8. take it without a shadow of a doubt.

    one man's mistake is another man's fortune

    (i don't even know if thats a saying but it sounds right)

  9. def give it back, might give you a reward,and anyway it could be his life savings,the guilt i would feel if i kept it wouldnt be worth it and i would get no enjoyment at all from spending his cash!  

  10. Got to give it back.  No question

  11. I'd run after him and give it back. Guilt would prevent me from ever spending it anyway.

  12. Give it back because it's the right thing to do.

  13. run after him and give it back.

  14. Run after him and return it!! It's probably his grocery money for the month!!!!

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