
Survey Anyone?

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1] Who was your first kiss and where?

2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?

3]Do you think abortion is wrong?

4] Have you ever got prego?

5] Do you drive?

6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?

7]Whats your favorite category?

8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?

9] Are you mad at somebody?

10] Do you miss anybody?

11] Do you have any pets?

12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

Thanks and I know I should have posted this in P&S!




  1. 1] Who was your first kiss and where? My boyfriend, at a bowling alley.

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? No, not really.

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? I'm pro-choice.

    4] Have you ever got prego? No.

    5] Do you drive? Yes I do.

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? No

    7]Whats your favorite category? Polls and Surveys.

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? Nope.

    9] Are you mad at somebody? No I'm not.

    10] Do you miss anybody? Yes.

    11] Do you have any pets? Yes, 3 dogs and 2 guinea pigs.

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? No, I haven't.

  2. 1. My current boyfriend of almost a year; at a party

    2. There are some things that I wish wouldn't have happened on some days, but not every day. So..

    3. I think it's a personal choice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions though.

    4. No, and I hopefully won't be for at least another 5 years.

    5. I have my permit, yes.

    6. No; I've only kissed one guy.

    7. Pregnancy and Parenting


    9. I'm kind of upset with my dad at the moment but not really mad.

    10. I've been a way from home for over a month. Definitely...

    11. My family has three; two miniature toy poodles and a mixed cat.

    12. No. At least I don't think.

  3. 1. I haven't been kissed:(

    2. Yes, it was a falling out with an old friend.

    3. Yes

    4. Nope

    5. Yes

    6. Nope

    7. Adolescent

    8. Uhh. I'm freakin starving

    9. Not right now

    10. Yes

    11. Yes, 2 cats Rocky and Melmel

    12. Yes I think so.

  4. i havent really had a first kiss yet

    yea but not saying





    pregnancy nd parenting


    not really




  5. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?

    Andy, third grade, he tripped me and held me down and kissed me.. yuck

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? i dont have regrets because at one time it was exactly what i wanted

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?very

    4] Have you ever got prego?yep i'm a momma

    5] Do you drive?heck yep

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?yeah

    7]Whats your favorite category? same as yours

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?i am freaking hungry!

    9] Are you mad at somebody? nahh

    10] Do you miss anybody?my baby, i'm at work

    11] Do you have any pets?a cat and a dog

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?nope

  6. 1] My bf. It was on our 3rd date (We had a picnic at the park and watched the sunset)

    2] Yes. One night my bf and I went a little too far. I got pregnant. I'm not regretting the pregnancy but the night itself.

    3]Yes, abortion is wrong. You're killing something that has yet to live

    4] ...Yes I have gotten pregnant

    5] Yes I drive


    7]On here? Adolescent

    8] I stole a cookie from the cookie jar before I got on here. It as staring at me....

    9] ...Not that I know of...I tend to have major mood swings so it is possible

    10] Yes, my bf.

    11] I have two puppies. They are Maltese. One is named Wilson and the other is Maggie.

    12] Yes actually, I have

  7. 1. Nick it was in the woods

    2. I try to live by everything happens for a reason

    3. In so many ways, yes!

    4. Nope

    5. Not yet

    6. Yes

    7. Adolescents, Women's Health, Polls and Surveys and Fashion and accesories

    8. Yeah, I'd rather not.

    9. Kind of

    10. Yes

    11. Yup

    12. Nope

  8. ] Who was your first kiss and where?

    sum guy kevin and we were at school

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?

    yes...i regret not telling people that i love them and i regret not ever doing something about that one guy i fell in love with

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?

    no...what if it was between the mother or the child....ABORTION!!

    4] Have you ever got prego? a virgin

    5] Do you drive?

    not legally

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?


    7]Whats your favorite category?

    idk...this one i guess

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?





    9] Are you mad at somebody?

    not really

    10] Do you miss anybody?


    11] Do you have any pets?


    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

    i dont think so

  9. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?  Never been kissed (and im 16)  :(

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? ummm not telling someone how i reallly felt

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? depends on the situation

    4] Have you ever got prego? no

    5] Do you drive? yes

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? no

    7]Whats your favorite category? polls & surveys

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? uhhh i'd rather

    9] Are you mad at somebody? ummm no

    10] Do you miss anybody? OMG more than anyone knows!

    11] Do you have any pets? a bunch

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? nope...but nice meeting ya!

  10. 1. Troy, outside my house behind his truck so my parents couldn't see

    2. I was raped at 17 and regret getting an abortion

    3. depressing and traumatizing, yes. wrong, no

    4. 5 times, all miscarriages (not including the abortion)

    5. yes

    6. yes

    7. on Y/A? military and adolescent, sometimes religious

    8. I used to have a crush on my older cousin when I was 13 (thank god thats over)

    9. Not really

    10. I miss my husband in the marines when he is gone

    11. No pets

    12. Nope

  11. 1. Daniel Triplett when I was 12, we were on the trampoline at my grandparent's house and all of a sudden he gave me a really small peck on the lips.

    2. Yep, the fact that I sold out a friend once.

    3. Depending on the circumstances. I think teenage girls who have unprotected s*x are idiots and should have to take full care of their baby.

    4. No way. I don't want kids. Ever. I want to adopt!

    5. Soon!

    6. Haha, no.

    7. Adolescent/ Music

    8. Sure. I wish my stepdad would start acting like he's part of a family instead of being the moron he is now. I'm sick of the c**p we go with his family and yet he has no regard for my mom's side. It get annoying when the only father figure you've had for half your life just turns his back on you. (Sorry, just venting.)

    9. Not really.

    10. Yep! Alot of people actually.

    11. 2 cats.

    12. Probably.

  12. 1. not yet

    2.yes but i can't remember any




    7.adolescents,beauty and style






  13. 1] Who was your first kiss and where? Mike, at a park.

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? Yes. ^^that!^^

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? Yes!!

    4] Have you ever got prego? Nope!

    5] Do you drive? Not yet!

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? Nope.

    7]Whats your favorite category? Beauty & style.

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? nope.

    9] Are you mad at somebody? slightly.

    10] Do you miss anybody? yes.

    11] Do you have any pets? yes!

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? not that i know of.

  14. No thanks!!!

  15. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?

    Not yet, I'm hoping it'll be soon

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?

    Um... a lot of stuff, just fights etc.

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?

    I think it depends on the circumstances, but I feel that it's okay for teens who can't handle a baby

    4] Have you ever got prego?


    5] Do you drive?


    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?


    7]Whats your favorite category?

    Family & relationships

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?

    lol, I want a bf sooo bad right now :)))

    9] Are you mad at somebody?


    10] Do you miss anybody?


    11] Do you have any pets?


    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?


  16. 1] Who was your first kiss and where? not applicable

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? not really

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? its not wrong or right, im pro choice

    4] Have you ever got prego? nope

    5] Do you drive? not legally ;)

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? my little sister sam :)

    7]Whats your favorite category?this one and celeb one is fun too

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? Im almost 16!!!!

    9] Are you mad at somebody? nope

    10] Do you miss anybody? yes : /

    11] Do you have any pets? yes 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 birds

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? yes i have


  17. 1)Evan, in the rain.

    2)Having a 3 day house party while my parents were gone.


    4)Haha.No.I'm still a virgin.


    6)Yes stephen.




    10)Yes, my old friends:(

    11)Chocolate Labrador, Charlie.


  18. jake, uh.. his house i think?

    regrets are a waste of perfect happiness.

    i don't think its wrong if your a teen and unable to take care of a child but if your older and finacially capable then i think its wrong.


    i can but im not legally aloud too yet.

    yes i have shane & shawn



    the boyfrand

    the boyfriend



    this was funn :)

  19. 1.jacob<3 on the swingset it was really sweet

    2.yes, just taking back some dumb sh*t i did

    3.h***s yeah...but there are exeptions in my head

    like if a girl was raped and didnt telll anyone and ended up being preggo, i mean do you really want to put the baby up for adoption then knowing you havea child out there and

    someday someones going to have to tell them there mom

    didnt want them ....or like keeping the baby and looking at just seeing the rapist everyday in your child and possibly not loving it....but pretty much it is wrong

    4. nope


    6.haha yess, spin the bottle, spencer.

    7.category for what?

    8. not really. im really happy for once

    9. no


    11. yes my to puppies

    11. i dont believe so but maybe

  20. not yet


    it depends




    this one



    my mom r.i.p



  21. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?

    We were playing spin the bottle. He was a complete jerk. He was in the court news the other week. I felt so stupid after that, but I valued my virginity more because of it.

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?

    Of course. But things happen for a reason.

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?

    I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and no one has the right to tell anyone the choices they should make when it comes to a women's body. It's a touchy subject

    4] Have you ever got prego?

    No. And it's pregnant.

    5] Do you drive?


    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?


    7]Whats your favorite category?


    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?

    I went to church for the very first time in my life tonight. It was weird but I enjoyed it.

    9] Are you mad at somebody?

    Not really.

    10] Do you miss anybody?

    Yes. My puppy. =[

    11] Do you have any pets?

    Yes, but they live at home.

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

    I can't say I have.


  22. 1) Who was your first kiss and where?

    Never happened, never will. I'm bound to die an old maid.

    2)Do you regret anything, if so, what?

    I guess I do... uhmmm... forgetting that I was boiling water and letting it evaporate?

    3) Do you think abortion is wrong?

    It's a your choice and not anybody elses but for me, I'd never.

    4) Have you ever gotten prego?

    Look up towards question 1. ^

    5) Do you drive?

    Don't have the money for a car.

    6) Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?

    Question 1. ^

    7) What's your favorite category?

    Books & Authors

    8)  Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?


    9)  Are you mad at somebody?

    Not yet.

    10)  Do you miss anybody?

    Myself. I miss little six-year-old Me.

    11) Do you have any pets?

    No. I'm not particularly good with animals.

    12) Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

    No, but it's nice meeting you.

    What's your survey for anyways?

  23. 1] Not yet

    2] Yes.. i regret says to myself "I should take this test it'll b fun"

    3]h**l Yes..its murder

    4] No im 12

    5] No im 12

    6]yes i have kissed my dadyy no the cheek (his names shane)


    8] Yes..... I ♥ Barney

    9] No

    10] Kinda

    11] 2 doggies


  24. Some kid named Joey in 2nd grade in the tunnel on the playground

    I regret not taking better care of my teeth because now they aren't good

    I think it is absolutely wrong





    Not really




    Yes, I think so:)

  25. 1] Who was your first kiss and where? He was my worst mistake. Chris. The wall outside my middle school. in 7th grade.

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? There is alot.

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? Yes. there is a few exceptions. but not many.

    4] Have you ever got prego? no.

    5] Do you drive? not yet.

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? No.

    7]Whats your favorite category? I dunno.

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? Im jealous of a girl named sam.

    9] Are you mad at somebody? alittle.

    10] Do you miss anybody? yeah.

    11] Do you have any pets? yepp.

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? nahh.

  26. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?

    His name was Jordan, in my bedroom.

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?

    No regrets.

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?

    For me yes.

    4] Have you ever got prego?

    I'm 14 weeks.

    5] Do you drive?

    Not legally.

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?


    7]Whats your favorite category?

    This one. =]

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?

    I'm watching SAW II!!!

    9] Are you mad at somebody?


    10] Do you miss anybody?

    Yes!  My boyfriends in jail dammit. =[

    11] Do you have any pets?


    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

    Not often but yeah.

  27. 1] Who was your first kiss and where? Not yet!! : )

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what? Nothing major

    3]Do you think abortion is wrong? No, I'm pro-choice

    4] Have you ever got prego? No

    5] Do you drive? No

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S? Nup

    7]Whats your favorite category? Adolescent

    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here? I hate those retards in my class who steal the spotlight from everyone else. STOP. No one cares!

    9] Are you mad at somebody? Not really.

    10] Do you miss anybody? My grandad

    11] Do you have any pets? Nah

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before? Nope, soz!!

  28. 1.when i was in 6th grade back in middle school



    4.nope! Thank the lord


    6.i don't think so

    7.can't choose almost all the categories are interesting

    8.nope i write my thoughts



    11.nope nope! sorry...

  29. 1- My boyfriend at a Valentines Day dance

    2- Probably, but I can't really remember

    3- No

    4- No

    5- Permit in November


    7-Of what?

    8-I really like my best friend and I really want him to like me back, but he's a full year younger than me

    9- Not really

    10- Yes

    11- Yeah, a cat

    12- No

  30. 1. My first BF & on a blow up obsticle course

    2. No

    3. No

    4. No

    5. No

    6. No

    7. Adolescent

    8. Idk if I'm in love or not

    9. No

    10. All the Star II girls from camp :(

    11. Guinea pigs & a cat

    12. Nope!

  31. 1] Who was your first kiss and where?

    ~havent had 1

    2] Do you regret anything, if so, what?


    3]Do you think abortion is wrong?


    4] Have you ever got prego?


    5] Do you drive?

    ~no im 14

    6]Ever kissed anyone starting with the letter S?


    7]Whats your favorite category?


    8] Is there something you have to just let out, if so, say it here?

    ~wow i have 2 much 2 say

    9] Are you mad at somebody?

    ~ yes this girl named ashley & a boy named james

    10] Do you miss anybody?


    11] Do you have any pets?

    ~a cat named smokey

    12]Have you ever seen me around Y!A before?

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