
Survey..Are you a happy person.?

by Guest61744  |  earlier

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First thing in the mornings.?




  1. Very very much.

  2. oh no no no! lol

    im not a morning person!

  3. Yes I am,,surprisingly,

  4. I am primarily happy throughout the day especially in the mornings.

  5. No, I'm very sluggish and rushing about. You don't want to see me in the mornings. LoL.

    After 10am and about 3 coffee's I'm fine.

  6.   Any reason why i should be?

    First thing is always a smoke.

  7. NO, for I realize when the sun has risen and it is bright that I AM CAUGHT within this present day, very ugly world! I definitely...well, now I am more than sure, that I don't belong to these times!

  8. usually not, im ony happy when i get a sleep in, and im only really happy to get up early in the morning when its christmas time!

  9. No, I am not a happy person. At least not recently.  

  10. I am a happy person first thing in the morning to get started for a new and blessed day, for my work and still have enegy at the end of the day.

  11. That's the best time to be happy. Nobody bothering me and nothing has gone wrong...yet. LOL

  12. yes i am. in fact i"m a happy person all day, even happier when i"m on

  13. i am one of these people that always wakes up with a smile on my face. :-)

  14. Definitely not. I am really grumpy and none of my kids can speak to me until I have had a coffee or 3

  15. im d exact opposite, except on weekends

  16. Usually not, I'm pretty cranky in the mornings

  17. I'm happy....but not first thing....I have to wake up & get my bearings....I am a night owl....I get so mad when my bf wakes me early....he knows I love to stay up...yet he wants me to wake up early like he does....he goes to bed like 3 or 4 hours earlier than I do...yet he doesn't get it!!!

  18. No.  Then I have a Starbucks and it's safe for people to approach me again.

  19. I used to be annoyingly happy ... now I need caffeine to be remotely apprroachable I make a grizzly look tame and cuddly without coffee ...

  20. Usually I am....but not this morning...the canteen chef has overslept so I haven't got a sausage sarny.

  21. Usually not, actually. Im happy when Im asleep though..if thats possible.

  22. in the mornings, h**l no.

  23. No. In fact, I'm sulking today because I had to get up early this morning.

    I've been dead cranky, but I'm used to more sleep, so grrrrr!

  24. maybe not first thing but once I have a cup of tea, I'm fine.....  lol :)

  25. no, not wen i have to go to school/ work, but wen i can sleep in d**n straight im happy!

  26. i'm usually always happy. At the moment, I have a lot of things on my mind, so I'm not feeling too happy.

  27. As happy as at any other time of the day - which isn't saying much!

  28. Yes.

    Ask my tarantula. He'll testify to that.

  29. Yes my names reflects that. Always happy.

  30. No, need a couple of hours to wake up properly, till then i just grunt if anyone asks me anything, lol

  31. it depends

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