
Survey: Between Prosac and Wellbutrin, which one...?

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...gets you higher?




  1. I never tried Welbutrin but prozac was one of the most horrible experiences I have ever had.

  2. Wellbutrin is for seisures.

    Wrong very wrong

    Didn't you learn anything from Nancy Reagan?

    Just say NO to drugs.


  3. Love my Wellbutrin! Amphetamines!

  4. Personally, I like Prozac, but not because it gets me high, but because I'm not suicidal and homicidal when I take it.  Killing others is a turn-off to most people.

  5. I`ll stick to the liquid stuff, if you don`t mind.

  6. I hear that would be Prozac (higher on the San Francisco bridge that is).

  7. Wellbutrin releases dopamine but neither will get you high. In fact they take a couple weeks to build up in your system enough to make you feel better. Also if you take too much wellbutrin your risk of having a seizure goes up drastically.  

  8. Who needs those when Life itself gives you Kicks....

  9.   forget them...I will just stick with my pot..thanks potty..I mean Pocky..* tee hee

  10. Neither of the two. If you want to really alter your mind may I suggest you get some REAL drugs.

  11. I don't know.  Try taking both at the same time.

  12. I've never had Prosac only Wellbutrin,and it make you high not at all.If one is truly depressed it only enables the person to get moving and functioning so they can deal with what's made them so depressed.That's a general statement,not a mind-body chem lesson,it somehow treats my p.t.s.d. symptoms which cause chronic low grade depression.

  13. prosac i dont think wellbutrin gets you high at all actualy i think thats one of the most safest non adicting medicins you can take for deppresion and it helps you quit smoking

  14. They don't get you high, they numb you that you can get on with your crappy life..same thing with alcohol, with the exception being moonshine,,that stuff makes me crazy..

    If u wanna get high drink 3 monsters, and about 10 cookies,,(I did that today,,heheee)

    heehee..and let me tell ya,,I am feelin ggggrrrreat !!!!

  15. Man, I've never taken either!  

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