
Survey: Do my zodiac questions bother you?

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or do you think there's something to be learnt anywhere, no matter how ridiculous, or generalization?




  1. they dont bother me. im actually pretty interested in astrology cuz i read my zodiac sign's characteristic traits and it seemed to define me pretty well (cancer).

    not that i believe it or anything im just interested in how it could define my personality so well. i figure MAYBE there is something to this whole astrology thing, so im sort of an agnostic when it comes to astrology lol.

  2. Of course your questions are oversimplifying things, everyone has pretty much answered that part of it in great detail.

    They are, however, kind of interesting. Like you, I have noticed certain habits shared between certain individuals of different sun signs regardless of where they come from or how they've been brought up (that food thing you said? With libras? Thats a little uncanny in my opinion).

    And if you observe these things to be largely true, perhaps we can learn from that. Perhaps there is a drive in people who share the same sun sign that leads many of them to continue a habit that is an outward expression of this inward drive.

    They are generalisations, but it's generalisations like those that partly helped different aspects of astrology be so defined anyway. I think we still have much to learn about astrology so asking questions like these is I think largely positive, particularly if we look at them and try to answer why they are like that.

  3. no, in my opinion  they are good and so normal and so hard to answer ( i couldn't answer any of your question because it is so hard and i don't have the knowledge to answer it) however you questions are fine . keep going .....

  4. They are a little goofy and silly at times, and you seem to spend time bragging a little tiny but, they are fun and playful and make you think, so keep rolling on...

    No matter what anyone does, someone will always criticize... so trust yourself and move onwards and upwards!

  5. No Lencow, They dont bother me, they are fun. And there is something to be learn anywhere , they can be right or wrong , good or just ridiculous. But yeah, we can learn from wrong things too.

    Though they are horoscope generalisation ....not really astrology, but I am sure you know that. Astrology is complex and it includes more than just sun signs .

    Edit : the way I see it ( and also the way r_a73) see it , you have a lot of potential to learn well about astrology. So take constructive criticism ( if there is ) to advance yourself. Maybe purchase an astrology book ( or just go to a bookstore or local library to read for free ) or go onto good websites

  6. No, Lencow i find your questions very bring your unique elements to horoscope and you ask questions which is beneficial to many of us. You help triggers things that did not surface to my mind and i am sure others, or things people generally may have wished to post but did not know quite how to construct it, say it or even have the time to leave it.

    Every question is a learning to the end of the day we learn from everyone around us something new..and when you have an open-mind to a vast range of things the more you widen your intellect and mental capacity..especially increasing your knowledge and understanding.

    Keep does not bother me one bit ;-). The fact i am answering, i am interested.

    Not to forget, the trolls are coming to your page i am sure they are very interested...come on now why would they waste their energy clicking the TD button...if they really weren't interested they would put that energy to what they consider worthy use elsewhere ;-P.

  7. Nope, your questions don't bother me, i agree with tril - No question is too stupid. lots of other people are afriad to ask them themselves and when i read questions from other people i often think its a great question and why didn't i think of that! i dont think i have ever thought a question was ridiculas, because if they are easy to answer great and if they are hard to answer then i like the challenge.

    I like generalization too because it allows you to elaborate how you feel you want to aswell


  8. If you are comfortable with your ways go ahead.why do you bother about others.

    Real intellectuals seek wisdom within every little thing they come across.They find silver lining around every dark cloud.They won't certainly find any question to be ridiculous.Rest of people are morons and you need not bother about them.

  9. No...

    have not been around much lately but there you see am answering you :-)

    Can't think of more : having a blonde moment !!!:-)

  10. No they don't your allowed to ask anything you want (i guess once u follow the rules)...everyone has different opinions and they show express it in their questions..

    I think theres always something new to learn whether you think the question is ridiculous or not...

    Each and every person finds what suits them..

  11. Don't worry what people say, you're a Top contributor : ))) haha

    besides i like your posts! they're really insightful


  12. you don't bother me at all Lencow, I don't know why you would bother anyone.  I for one and glad you are back.  Having said that you must realize that not every person is going to like you in this world, not everyone is going to agree with you, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  Tell them you are sorry they feel that way and go on with your life, happily I might add, because that will bother them the most.  If you are angry or sad about what they said, they have won.  They got you to feel exactly how they wanted you to feel.  If you fight back with them, once again they have won, because they have caused you to lash out back at them.  If you run away from them, they have won, they have caused you to do what they wanted you to do.  So simply tell them you are sorry they feel that way and move on with your life!!!


  13. No. I like your questions. I think that there is always something to learn. I don't believe in dumb questions. Besides: " When am I going to get married? And how many children am I going to have?" Try to stay away from those. Lol

  14. Hey Lencow,

    I do feel that at times your questions tend towards generalization. To make assumptions like "Cancers do this...And Libras like pink" etc. is a bit over the top, and isn't really accurate. What I don't mind though, is that you ask them out of curiosity in a way to validate your observations, which is fine, and perfectly justifiable. You are not rude about it, nor do you attack specific signs. So, for the most part, I don't mind them. However...Since you are taking an interest in astrology, maybe you should read up a little more. You know that you have a Cancer Moon, so you are aware that there is more than the Sun sign. Keeping that in mind, birth charts are actually so complex that you can not lump anyone of the same Sun into one category. Not every Libra will go for the same people, or talk and hold themselves in the same manner, and the same goes for any other sign. You have to take every piece of the puzzle into consideration when analyzing someone, and that's why it often takes a very well trained astrologer to really give a good reading. You may note observations that seem similar between signs, and then create a stereotype in your head without realizing it. That's not an uncommon thing for people to do. I used to do it myself, actually...Saying "Oh you're such a Gemini" or "Oh my Taurus friend always does that, I guess it's a Taurus thing", but I have learned that I was wrong, and those are only small scale assumptions compared to the number of people in the world. You will find that some people do fit those assumptions, but there are also plenty that don't.

    Anyway, as people have said, we're here to learn and to question real people on their experience. None of your questions are wrong, and you are free to ask them as you will. Some people might not agree with them, but that's part of life. There is always something to be learnt, even if it is that you may be incorrect. So, go ahead and ask whatever you like!

    P.S I completely agree with r_a73. Great answer!

  15. Hi, Sweetness:-)

    I think that you've got a natural ability and inclination as far as astrology goes.

    That being said, I do believe that you're taking the interpretive element of things a little too far, too fast. I think that a little research on the zodiac signs, as well as other planetary influences within the birthchart would probably refine that natural ability somewhat, because it's really not accurate to assume that just because a person of a certain zodiac sign has a certain trait, it's because of their sun sign. You have to look at the whole chart, lencow.

    Please understand that when certain generalizations of an individual's behaviour are made by attributing their behaviour to their sun sign alone, without looking to the rest of the chart for other possible reasons for that behaviour, it actually does more to disprove astrology than it does to prove it. Especially when those generalizations are not based upon traditional astrological knowledge, but are instead being based strictly upon the observations of an individual who may not be taking the possibility of other influences being a factor in the individual's behaviour into consideration, or indeed even the traditional interpretations of the planets in the signs. This can be very frustrating to the serious astrologer or astrology student, because it's exactly this sort of thing which the skeptics use to support their arguments against astrology (i.e. "Well I'm a Pisces, and I *don't* pick my nose, so therefore astrology is a load of c**p"). There's nothing wrong with observing people's behaviour and then trying to find a reason for it astrologically, nor is there anything wrong with putting your own interpretive spin on things, but there are certain guidelines and parameters which need to be followed. And if whatever your observation may be does not fit into the guidelines of a particular planetary placement within a particular sign, then you need to do research to find out whether you've actually discovered something new about that particular sign, or whether that particular discovery is due to another placement or placements which those individuals share in common, or whether it's something which is not determined by astrological influence at all, rather than just making an assumption that your discovery must pertain to all natives of a particular sun sign based upon your personal observations and interpretations.

    So I do hope that you continue to post questions, because in order to research the topic properly, asking questions is part of what you need to do.

    But you need to look further into the topic yourself as well, though. Get beyond the sun sign, and then think about what other planetary influences might be doing to people as well, and then consider whether or not your findings might be better explained by another influence in the individual's chart.

    For example:

    There has been in recent weeks on this forum a rash of Q&A which pertain to Sagittarians being liars. Apparently there are a few people out there who have known Sagittarians who have (to their minds anyhow) lied to them, and so therefore these people associate the sign Sagittarius with lying. This is an astrological falsehood in and of itself, because Sagittarius is associated with honesty to the point of being blunt. If these people have encountered Sagittarians who have lied to them, it has *not* been because of the sun signs of these individuals but due to some other influence in the charts of these individuals. And it may not even be the same influence in each chart, because there could be several different factors which could indicate the same sort of behaviour. Probably the worst thing that you can do in astrology is to fail to look deep enough and at all the angles (no pun intended).

    So, observe, research, and ask questions. You'll get the hang of it;-)

    EDIT: Thanks, and I agree with the young lady down there, as well:-D

  16. Hope you're not feeling bad*

    I believe there is something to be learnt everywhere no matter who ask or answers but the way I see it on this particular Y/A section it only depends on WHO asks or answers - in other words you're fine trust me no one gets annoyed at your questions or answers.

    Have a nice day!

    edit: and I smiled :)

  17. You are completely misrepresenting what I said.  I did offer constructive advice.  You just refuse to see that.  There is nothing to be learned from "Do libras steal your food?" or "Do Geminis like stripes?".  Neither have anything to do with astrology.  You are aware there is more to astrology than Sun sign generalizations.  I simply asked you to dig a little deeper.   r_a and Rach are saying exactly what I did.  We can't all be wrong.  The people who are saying that there is nothing wrong with your question are either trying to be nice or simply don't know any better.  It is a diservice to all of us to make the subject of astrology look silly with  Sun sign generalizations.  Inaccurate sun sign generalizations at that.   There are keywords associated with each sign, planet and house.  THAT is where astrological knowledge begins.  Anyone who really knows astrology will tell you the same.

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