
Survey : Do you feel pressured to look a certain way?

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Our lives are now constantly filled with magazines and celebrities with beautiful people in them. Does this affect how you live your life? Do you feel good enough ? What do you think "perfect" looks like by todays standards?




  1. I just try to look presentable I gave up on perfect a long time ago.

  2. not really i weard wat i wanna wear. i dont let others peoples thoughts affect the way that i do something.

  3. Our lives have always been constantly filled with magazines and celebrities with beautiful people in them. This is nothing new. When I was young I used to be very particular about the way I dressed, and what image I portrayed to people. It dominated my life.

    If we listen to all the hype then "perfect" must be a size 4 (uk), which is total phooey.

    Life has taught me that what lies inside is much more important than superficialities such as clothes and image, but we cant put an old head on young shoulders, only experience of life can teach us to prioritize, and give us the self assurity to realise that what others think doesn't really matter.

  4. I just do my own thing ~ comparing yourself to other people (especially celebs) is just retarded. Nobody should feel pressured to look a certain way. Be yourself and you'll be happy :)  

  5. Hmm I kinda do.

    I came upon my style and looks on my own, and I like them. But they get me attention and compliments etc. Then when I don't feel pretty or whatever can make you feel like you don't look good enough that day. It is weird. I don't care about other people but inside I don't like feeling ugly...sad....meh it's no biggie I just have to wake up earlier than some! lol  

  6. No, I dress how I want for myself and myself only...if other people want to criticize and hold it against me, I let them because I could really care less and it just proves that they are down-right jealous of what I have.

  7. No, I want to be my own person, well honestly we all want to be thin and pretty but those are not the most important things in life =)


  8. Real beauty is from within~that is what I strive for...

  9. i dress how i want to dress but alot of the time i see things i wanna wear and think nah people'll look at me weird.. xx

  10. I'm not into that whole A&F/Hollister/tight jeans and frayed polo/gelled hair/flat brimmed hat stuff, so I don't wear it.  A polo and dress shorts with flip flops or Sperrys is what you'll usually see me in.  Baggy shorts just get in the way of things and aren't comfortable.  I guess you could say my style is more "southern fratty" except I'm not in a fraternity.  If that's not what I see on TV or on a magazine, I don't really care.  I think most guys who look like that look like d-bags.  They also often act like it too.  As for my body, I stay in shape because I don't want to waste away in some hospital bed later in life (Also, I'm too cheap to drive anywhere so I ride my bike all over the place).  I do what I can and if a girl likes that, then that's fine.  If not, well then she's too shallow for me to care anyways.

  11. Nope. I dress how I want to dress.

    I don't believe in perfection. :]

  12. Well, yeah.  Think about it...mainstream society accepts primarily the people who wear "preppy" clothes and that kinda stuff...and as a result people are def. pressured to look a certain way...

    I mean, in the 9th grade I was quite the punk (hair and all) teacher's didn't at all think I was the A student I was and yeah...I kinda grew out of that look and now I wear polos and stuff like that a lot...and I'm still the A student(basically, appearanence doesn't determine personality etc)...also, if you had ajob interview who would u rather have working for your company?  A happy giddy girl who wears bright colors or a reserved person who occasionally smiles and wears primarily black?

    Perfect by today's standards would be the models of Abercrombie and Fitch...although I disagree with it.

  13. Yes I guess we all do to an extent

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