
Survey: Do you have any personal tales of Darwin Award nominee's?

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Darwin Awards, for those who are not familiar, are people who have shown such a general level of pure stupidity that their actions caused their own deaths, thus removing them from the gene pool as well as not allowing them to pollute the rest of us with their genes.




  1. Ha ha.I had to book mark that page so i can read it tomorrow, its bed time here for me shortly..........

    luv ya.....x

  2. Yeah, a childhood friend electrocuted himself after a car accident where he hit a power pole.  The electrical cables came down sparking around his car and he went to open his car door.  As soon as he touched the metal on the car, he was electrocuted to death.  

  3. No. Cool site though, thanks

  4. no

  5. Wow.....I really like the way your head is wrapped..I am going to sit back and enjoy this one.


  6. I am a huge fan (not a participant) of the Darwin Awards.

  7. I probably shouldn't share this information, but.....A couple years ago, this fellow in town brought home a big box of fish packed in "dry ice". The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes, so he dumped the dry ice in the toilet, and flushed. A short time later, he was sitting on the throne, doing his daily constitutional. The neighbors heard the explosion. The toilet blew up! The guy was blasted right through the closed door. He lived. There wasn't a piece of porcelain bigger than a silver dollar. It was explained to me at the time, but I don't remember; the scientific explanation for it. I just remember the most important part --- wash the dishes, and don't flush dry ice down the toilet.

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