
Survey: Do you know how to clean up your computer or reformat it in the event that it ineeds it ???

by  |  earlier

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  1. you can use the disc that came with it and use that to wipe it completly and start anew

  2. Download a thing called CCleaner.Once downloaded:

    1.Click analyze (bottom left)

    once it finishes

    2.Click run cleaner (bottom right)

    once it finishes

    3.Click registry (it might have another name.It's the one with a blue picture of blocks)

    4.Click scan for issues (bottom left)

    once it finishes

    5.Click fix selected issues (bottom right)

    6.Click no

    7.Click fix all.

  3. well mine is a HP and i had to make a recovery disk

    but you can clean all the stuff you dont want there by going to files and all the stuff u want out and permantly deleting all of them then go to your recycle bin and emtied out too

  4. i think i know how, i've never done it myself though, it's from what i've heard...

    what operating system do you have? XP, vista? there's a CD that comes along, if your copy is ORIGINAL, of course, if it's not, don't worry, ask the guy from whom you bought your computer, he'd have one...

    i'm not sure how to uninstall windows itself, ask him for tips maybe, and the installation will be done through the cd, i PRESUME in the same way as we normally install any programs...

    BUT i take care of my PC so that i don't ever need to reformat it, the first guy talked about CCleaner, i have that, apart from that, use ad-aware, and make regular updates, it'll take care of spyware. go here to download...

  5. I have all the CDs that came with the PC including XP, do I know what to do, oh heck no.  I take it to someone who does.

    I have CCleaner, spybot S & D, MTU Blaster, Spyware Blaster, PC Tools firewall and Threatfire Antivirus.

    I hope that is enough

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