
Survey. Does anyone claim these?

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I found them in my room in Turkey




  1. omg those are mine can u send them back ??

    oh my god

  2. They about cover me bandages so I guess they are mine !! ... no I mean no way are they mine  

  3. No way!!!!

    Mine are silver and have sequins on them.

    I think you'll find them in your salad drawer.

  4. Well if she asks if her A*se looks big in those i'm saying nothing !

    I might be brave but not that brave ; ) rofl

    It's like scrapheap challenge , are'nt those the sails off your yacht Hilts ; )

  5. They look too small to be mine! lmao x

  6. They might belong to fizzdude lmao!

  7. not me but I think I know someone who could

  8. A whale probably rented the room before you.

  9. not mine, blues not my colour

  10. No not mine for sure, think you better cut back on the beer if you can't remember that, check for bruises haha !!

  11. Um......You didn't happen to umm....find pair,.......did you?

  12. LOL>>> not mine!!!  

  13. lmao. yeah they're mine =/

    i must've left them there, darnnit.

  14. no mine are the next size up jeez how i long to fit in those!:)

  15. Phwoaaaaaaaaaar!


    erm......any chance you wanna sell them?

    oh, and don't wash them before you post them ;o)

  16. Oh My GOODNESS!! So THAT'S where they went!! Good grief - I have been looking for those for ages!! *Ahem* Shhhhhh don't tell everyone on P&S please.... we will keep it between ourselves OK????!!!! lmao AAARGHH! How funny :o) xxxxxxx

  17. looks like someone had a blast last night

  18. Too small for me! lolol :)

  19. my pants are big but not that big, they would make good extra life boat home though lol

  20. How on earth did the cleaners miss those.  

  21. I agree with Hilts.  Sasha is on the floor laughing now.

  22. Dang-it,   I knew I'd left them somewhere.

    Err, they were a present for my 'great' aunt (my great-big aunt!!)

  23. lmao

  24. Couple of bits of timber and we can all hang glide home in that.

  25. no

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