
Survey: Has anyone else received this e-mail?

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Hello little babby celeste (celeste.1965),

You have received a message from another user!

From: UofT Researcher

Subject: Why do you contribute to the Answers community?

Message: Hi,

My name is David Dearman, I'm a research member of the DGP lab at the University of Toronto, Canada.

We are conducting a study exploring your motivations for contributing to the Yahoo! Answers community. The study consists of a short questionnaire that takes about 15-25 minutes to complete. The answers you provide will help the research community improve the user experience for online question and answer services.

To participate in the study please use the following link:

If you choose not to participate, please discard this email and we will not contact you further.

Thank you for your time and happy answering!

I'm skeerd. Stranger danger! Should I do it?




  1. Just delete it.  It is probably a phishing scam for your information or something.

  2. no.

  3. Delete!!!!


  4. It's not real.  There's no such thing as Canada.

  5. No, if I were you, I'd exercise the "delete" button

  6. Where in the h**l is a reporter troll when you need one?  This demands quick and serious action!

  7. I got it a while back, I just ignored it.

  8. I would not touch it ,  thanks for posting and letting us know, I could be wrong but better safe than sorry

    : )  

  9. nope  

  10. Wow...They must really like you Celeste.

    I bet I would get one, if my accounts lasted more than a couple of weeks anyway.

  11. Wifey forwarded me that link to fill out... she must have gotten that email too.

  12. To make people cry?

  13. nope I never have...I would not do it...could unleash a virus in your son downloaded what he thought was a cheat sheet for a computer game and low and behold it was a virus...wiped out his entire hard drive....the computer is now useless......♥

  14. Nope i haven't. But it sounds like a scam

  15. Stay away--I think it's my neighbor trying to steal my cellar people.  

  16. That's alot of words.. I got distracted after "hello little babby celeste" and couldn't finish reading the rest

    hey that rhymed. will you bring me a taco for lunch?  

  17. personally when I got the email I didn't do the survey but i copied and pasted it and sent it back to them! And said "see how annoying it is to get junk" I do realise how childish I am!! :)

  18. I'd delete it.

  19. I'm so lame I don't even get scam emails....

  20. I clicked. Ohhhhh, I clicked it so hard. Mmmm, you like that, don't you?  Don't you?  

    haha sorry.  Anyway, it looks legit.  And it has a phone number to verify it too.  And something about the Ethics Committee as well.  It wants to know why I answer questions here, how often, etc.  It's on a secure server, so I think it's fo' real.

  21. delete

  22. Nope never got it! Delete it...who has time for nonsense? We have important asking and answering to do.

  23. i dont know sounds kinda weird.

    i wouldnt do it.

    if yahoo wanted ur input it would be sent from yahoo not this place.

  24. Sounds like the Re[ublicans. Don't trust them.

  25. You said "monkey."

    That's all I got. :-(

  26. Someone had asked this question a while back with the same link to it.

    One person had answered that it was a legit survey.....and provided a few more links to verify it.

    I have never received it myself, but I wouldn't participate in it either.

  27. No, and if I did, I wouldn't answer that.  I don't think Yahoo would solicite like that without some type of warning.

    Just another way of someone getting information out of us.

    Sandy :O)

  28. The way to verify its authenticity is to call the university it claims to be from and ask them if they did this.

    ...and dont use the number they provided, look it up yourself to avoid tricks.

  29. I have gotten 2 of them, I did it, but then again people are too scared of me to try anything

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