
Survey: Have you ever been hit in the head by a flying vegetable? ?

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If so what was it, and did hurt?

I was once hit by a Patatje Oorlog when I was in Holland.




  1. Oh, lots of times!

    By carrots and cucumbers, hahah! Lunch table fun.

  2. Nope but ive been hit in the head with a flying sandal!! Hispanic way with the CHANKLETA!!

    Oh man thats not fun

  3. Actually it was a fruit. My mother threw a mango at the back of my head, one time between other times when she threw other things. The mango, since it is b never successfully transported from the tropics to here, and this was Michigan, hurt as much as a stone wrapped in velour.

    If it had been ripe as it is supposed to have gotten naturally it would have hurt less...but yeah, SURE IT HURT!

  4. Yes - my boss threw a tomato slice at me one day in the sandwich shop.

  5. I'm waiting to get pimp slapped by a pickle.

  6. God d**n turnips!  

  7. yes, and let me tell you the wheelchair was killer painful.....

  8. I've been beaten with a sack of oranges.

  9. Yes, I was walking in a garden patch when I got knocked out by a pumpkin :(

    answer mine plz??

    plzzzzz :)

  10. A monkey once tried to grab my banana and I still carry a chip on my shoulder about it.

  11. They throw tomatoes somewhere in Spain to celebrate a good crop?

    Never been there though!  Got hit by a pea once, from a pea shooter, as a kid.

  12. No

  13. i got hit in the head by a potato at school once haha it hurt sooooo much :O and i had a huge purple bruise on my head for ages lol!

  14. yeah, my fiance and i were arguing while he was cooking and he was chopping carrots, a piece snapped off and slapped me on the forehead...we stopped arguing after that.

  15. What a silly question!  No, I haven't.  I avoid altercations with vegetables at all costs.

  16. a friend mine once thru a potatoe at me we were only playing about but it hit me on the forehead, didnt half hurt an ended up with bruiseing an a lump lol  

  17. Not in the head but I was hit by a flying potato in my back xD

  18. I was hit with a donut once

    and YES I KNOW THATS NOT A VEGITABLE but wouldnt the world be a better place if it was?

  19. Yeah, as a matter of fact, she got me with a muskmelon when she asked "does this dress make me look fat?", and I answered her....wrong move there.....oh well...

  20. I have never abused my veggies and they are good to me too!

  21. yes i was hit by a platano  it kinda stunned me to be honest  it broke on impact so i cooked it.

  22. a pickle.......I bit it

    oh....and a pair of melons--that was fun

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