
Survey: Have you ever eaten Squirrel Meat?

by Guest32642  |  earlier

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(Flutterbypurr says he's eaten squirrel meat...)




  1. oh parents were big time hunters, and made me eat everything that was put on my plate..turtle,petbunny,deer,elk,frog,.

    what haven't I eaten? I am not a picky eater really.

  2. Yes.  It tastes great.  And squirrel gravy is out of this world.

  3. no....I like squirrels they are like possums..furry and way too cute..if I was starving I would eat one though..they are prob very tasty inddeedaladoodly yes..but ummmm pass Pocky...Futterbypurr  probably made you eat it too...the Squirrel Meat.. when he invited you over for food last you were drunk would you know what you freakin

  4. Squirrel Cage is getting all excited...

    Answer: No I have not

  5. Way back when, dad used to bring it in the house from the butcher market.  It tastes like "chicken" plus he used to bring home "Musk Rat" that taste like "beef".  Mom and dad  always had a lover's arguement over these meats.  Yes, dad cook them while mom went to bed.  She refuses...

  6. nah,i havent,ive not eaten koala either,but i have eaten roo+croc.

  7. Nope, but I've heard it's grisely.

    I have eaten deer and rabbit. Neither taste good... but rabbit's just a bit more edible.

  8. Ate the little rodents all the time when I was a cub. It has been better than 35 years since I have eaten squirrel.

  9. Ummm not knowingly....

  10. NOOOO! NEVER! Squirrels are my friends!!!

  11. You mean "schmeat"!;...

    Yes, I haven't.

  12. Yes.  It rather sucks, honestly.

    The problem, at least with the way the nutters in my family cooked it, is that you have to cook it too much to keep the meat from making you sick.  And so what you get left is a bit of stringy "meat" that tastes kinda like twangy chicken and is about as tough as a *dog Bone* in places (one of the rawhide jobbers).  Meaning you need a fork and knife, maybe two, just to make sure you don't bend anything too badly as you cut the thing up into pieces you can swallow.

    But hey, I realize your mileage may vary, and that there probably are ways to cook squirrel well.  I just haven't encountered them yet.

  13. Tastes oddly like pecans....

  14. I tried it once.

  15. Oh heck yeah.  Granny fixes the best vittles for Uncle Jed and Ellie Mae and Jethro with squirrel meat.

  16. no. squirrels are my friends and i don't eat my friends, unless they're friends with benefits.

  17. I have.  It's very good.

  18. yes i have. i have had it fried, and i have had squirrel dumplings. along with many other kinds of animal

  19. no, but when I get the chance I might.  First I got to find a way to shoot one.  My aim is terrible.  Oh well.  Plus I never get out much to hunt.  

  20. Yep since I was a kid.  Some that I shot myself.

  21. Nope.  I also do not eat rats or other rodents...

  22. tastes like chicken!!

  23. Squirrel cage is a contact of mine and there's nooo way I'm eating his meat!  :P

  24. i have eaten squirrel before. my step-father was an avid hunter and we lived way out in the sticks, so yeah, i have eaten things that most ppl just run over.

  25. Can't say that I ever have. I really don't eat much meat anyway.

  26. Nah, the bill for all the rabie shot's ain't worth it

  27. Not yet, but I'd try it if someone offered it to me. I think all of the cute animals taste better...

  28. Indeed I have.  I used to shoot them on my grandparents' farm with a .22 (aiming for their heads).  My grandmother, who said they ate a lot of squirrel during the Depression, fixed them in any number of ways.

    So far as the rabies thing goes, my husband got bit by a rabid red squirrel a couple of years ago and had to get the shots, which apparently have much improved from the days where you had to get a whole series of them through your belly button.  Ouch!

  29. No...but I'm willing to try some.... Futility Knife is right....cute animals do taste WAAAAAAY better...

  30. It taste a little frisky. With a hint of rabies.

  31. Charlotte is disgusted by Squirrels.  They look all cute and stuff but they are fvcking rodents.  Squirrels report theshit out of Charlotte, too.  Thus they are asssholes.  Amen. ♥

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