
Survey..Have you ever.??

by Guest55738  |  earlier

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Eaten raw onions.?




  1. In a salad yes, and  also in a cheese and onion sandwich.

  2. Yes

  3. In Greek Salad, yes, and they were fabulous.   My daughter has been crazy for it since she started on solid food.

  4. YES - it's great to eat them with

    the dry beans (kidney beans) - boiled, named beans jahnia main meal - which may be like a long soup or condensed.

    And raw garlic, too - yummy! Accompanying the same above.

    A salad without raw onion is less tasty. If you slice the onion in scales and smash them together with some salt, the juicy result shall give its saviour to the salads; great for tomatoes salad (with cheese).

  5. yes, they"re great as well...d"ya know hurf eating raw onion"s is supposed to prevent colds! you"ll sleep much better tonight, knowing that eh?,

  6. yes in coleslaw

  7. Yup.

    Raw onions which comes along as salad with satay/kebabs


  8. Yes, I love 'em!!! Added to salads, on hot dogs and burgers!!!!!

  9. Yes I have.

  10. Yes. I love them in a sandwich with cheese or ham.

    I also serve them with salad.

    I've never eaten one like I would an apple though.

  11. Green onions from the garden, the ones with the green stalks coming out of them.  Ate a big one once and didn't like them.  I prefer the smaller ones.

  12. ya on accident, yuck!


  13. yes but i got a pretty bad stomachache

  14. Not like an apple no but sliced and diced yes

  15. I love cheese and onion buttys but don't eat them unless Paul is away for the night! I love pickled onions too, I just don't speak after I have eaten them!

  16. I did that a few minutes ago - on a sandwich. For that matter, I do it all the time...

  17. every time i eat a burger

  18. Yes on a burger or in a salad.  

  19. ive eaten pickled onions is that the same lol =D

  20. Sliced up in a salad, yes.

    Eaten a la apple, no.

  21. Scallions yes in a salad or a sandwhich.  

  22. Yes many many times,

  23. When I was  a kid, raw onions were the same as apples. LOL  We ate them whole and when we made sandwiches, the onion and Miracle whip were all we wanted. Now, I just use them on burgers, sandwiches and more... but have other things with them.

  24. Yes , I love raw onions and when I was a kid I used to eat them as an apple

  25. Never!!

    I hate onions

    with a passion.

  26. Mmmmmm; then gave someone a big wet kiss!


  27. Yes...and raw garlic

  28. All the time.

  29. Yes I have Hurf hon - and I had terrible heartburn and indigestion for about a week afterwards!! Grrrr lol :o) xxxxx

  30. Only in a burger at a football ground....disgusting...and the burger.

  31. Yes, I like them now but hated them as a child.

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