
Survey: Have you ever suffered from this condition..??

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"Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"..... knackered after writing that............!!!!!!!

THANKS everyone for taking the time................try saying that after a few Guinness.........




  1. Don't think so, but is it contagious?

  2. No, if i have to write a long word, i just look it up in the dictionary.

  3. YES it  nearly killed me and i still have the hippopotamus feet so it is very hard for me to type  

  4. lol.. no i haven't

  5. Haha Nope i don't have a fear of long words haha

  6. I did...then I moved my hands up on the barrel of the bat about an inch or so, opened my stance up a little, shortened up my stirde a bit, and tried hitting to the opposite field a bit more.

    It made a world of difference...I haven't had a hippopotomonstrosesquip strike me out in about six weeks.

  7. wow...can we say "irony"

  8. sound lilke that delivery guy in this movie called big daddy who cant read..."hip" "hip" "hop" Him" "hop" "mon" "not" "a" "not" "a" "mus"...then says the the kid gets the easy Constitution!

  9. no my sweet but ihave suffered from toomuchtimillitusonheer have you?

  10. Never have....

  11. no...I don't have a fear of long words.

  12. ha ha never,i would probably be able to pronounce it much better after a few glasses of wine,lol.;-)

  13. No.. what's that? never heard before

  14. does that word even exists?

    it's so long that i'm too lazy to even copy and paste it in google to find out what it means D:

  15. I don't like hippopotamuses but i don't think I'm afraid of 'em

  16. No, I actually have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliomania. :P

  17. As I have no idea what it might be I will be careful and say possibly...

    What is it Melia please..

  18. nope

  19. I think it means "A fear of looking up words in a dictionary".  I'd look it up but I have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

    Combination of elements suggesting largeness or length, deliberately forming a word likely to induce the fear it denotes: hippopotomonstro- (irregular blend [influenced by connective -o-, from French, from Latin, from Greek�connective vowel of most nouns and adjectives in combination] of hippopotamus and monstro-, from Latin monstr-, monstrum, monster) + sesquippedalio- (incorrectly formed from sesquipedalian or Latin sesquipedalia, things one and a half feet long) + -phobia, from phobia


    hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia, rarely hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliop hobia

    The fear of long words.


    It is unlikely that this 15-syllable contrivance is ever used purely for its meaning. The term sesquipedalophobia is recognized in formal writing, while the four-syllable phrase "fear of long words" is certainly worth considering.

  20. Nope, I am not afraid of long words

  21. Yes hun I suffered with this when I was very young..I still have nightmares about the monster that gave me the he is.

  22. No, lol.!!!

  23. I never have done as far as I can tell, no.


  25. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia? Not that i know

    Saying that should be some challenge!

  26. lol that's the fear of long words, right?

    and no, i dont :D

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