
Survey: How would you react if you posted a Poem in the Poetry.....?

by  |  earlier

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Category and people said "hey you, if you post another piece of shizzle like that you're gonna get a knuckle sandwich" !

I'd be like " hold the pickle" !





  1. i would say 'wooooooooooh back up there Sparky'

  2. Haha ;) I'd post another poem and tell 'em to smack their computer all they want,lol

    Never let anyone stifle your creative genius ;)

  3. I'd ask the morons how they intend carrying out their mindless threat.

  4. i'd just post another to see rather he is joking or not

  5. I'd quote William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice off by heart and they would be bedazzled.  

  6. i would tell them to hop it,everyone on this site is entitled to post whatever they like it is a community,just because certain users don't like they should keep there opinions to themselves instead of belittling the person, that could mean so much to that person and through others ignorance it could have a bad affect on the person so i don't agree with any of that,anyway what can they do,sticks and stones,or gonna try and drag me through my monitor,lol.let them get on with it,peAce.

  7. huh?

  8. LOL  eww who puts pickles on a sandwich?

  9. I would say "mate go suck donkey balls"  

  10. Id dare them to meet me on the mountain of poetry combat, hopefully they will come armed with poems

    I however will be armed as normal with a Barret Light .50 and a M249 SAW  Heavy Machine gun as I prefer to make a definate point.  The Point being "I dont take prisoners"

  11. "One person's bologna is another person's steak but I'm vegan so hold the sammich."

  12. add more and more verses to the poem...

  13. I'd say by my poems I live & die

    rhymes are tight my wit is wry

    a knuckle sammich, fool !

    I wush you'd try!

  14. Knuckle Sandwich?

    Yummy I cant wait for one :P

  15. I'd be like '' hold the kutchup '' !

  16. I would post other poems there to show them you could write good poetry.  

  17. I would write a masterpiece involving Moose Knuckles and things that rhymed with shizzle.

  18. Art is never appreciated until the artist dies. So, if you want appreciation, well--------

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