
Survey: If i were to take the last cold soda and had no intention of replacing it. How should i be punished?

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That is mean Cole




  1. u could have the soda....u touch that last beer and its on steve.

  2. ummmmmmmm spankings for you steve....then spanking for me, just!


  3. what did cole say anyway?

  4. Frisco Girl would tie you up.  hahaha!  Steve C said "punishment", not reward sista =P

    Holy c**p!  WTF?  Himena and Tinka would also reward you.

    Steve, how do you do it?  You're the biggest BOOB around but the ladies love you.  How?  Why?

  5. Whipped with a belt and go live with the dog.

  6. I would get soda and make you drink all of it in one jug without pause. And then I would put soda in ur eyes and you wouldn't want to drink soda in ur life ever again if u did this again.

  7. No problem...

    Now if we was talking about beer. Big trouble...Huge!

  8. I'd tie you up and let you watch me drink the whole thing right in front of you :p

    I♥u too hehe

  9. i'd make u run to the farthest grocery store with me on ur back..dragging along Sonic (who isn't light by the way) lmao handcuffed and gagged...

  10. You can rub my husband's feet when he comes home from work tonight.

    And he probably had burritos for lunch, there will be an extra surprise for you.

  11. Go out and buy more biyotch.

  12. maybe you should be beaten with a wet noodle

  13. I have my ways that would make your toes curl, but you would not see it coming, i would surprise you one night.

  14. 40 licks!

    Kiss Kiss

  15. You would be beaten with a bag of rocks

  16. Sorry Steve you know who makes the rules (me) just in case you forgot haha :p

  17. I'd take away something you really wanted real bad,I mean real bad,and I mean real real bad,that should be sufficiant punishment,I say a spanking,but I prefer to recieve them than give them ;) ...x*x

  18. Tied down and teased but not touched for tow days.

  19. Man law 72 : feel free to reach for the last can of beer or the last slice of pizza, but never both.

    Replace beer with soda if you are g*y like you and theirs your answer, no punishment needed.

  20. Simple.

    I would drink all of the beer right in front of you.

    Good luck!!

  21. I would bite your neck, that`s what you truly deserve !!

  22. depends

    did u drink all of em...or just the last one

    i want to kill my man when he takes the last and i havent had ANY

    but if i have had my share

    i dont care..have at it

    there will b no punishment

    i will get more when i get more


  23. I wouldn't punish you, I would kiss you. I am trying to stop drinking sodas and drink water because I have so many kidney infections :[

  24. I wouldn't do anything I don't drink soda now if you touched my Vodka I would put a good a$$whoopin on you.

  25. ...I would drain all the cold soda on you..!

  26. I'd make you pay me back SOME way. ;)

    Please Steve C...Drink the last soda! LY

  27. I'd say you already got your punishment. Tons of empty calories, high fructose corn syrup, artificial coloring.  ;). Now, if you drank the last  of the iced tea and didn't replace it... - in my house, that'd be grounds for divorce.

  28. I don't normally buy if I had cold soda, I bought it for you to drink....Go ahead have the last one...enjoy!!

    ha ha  unless you just enjoy the punishment part ...then I'm sure we could think of something to make you happy...= )

  29. chugging said cold soda and getting brain freeze =)

  30. I'd give you a slap round the face with a wet kipper

  31. You can have it.

    I think you enjoy being punished.  So, therefore, I would act as if I didn't even notice.

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