
Survey: If someone thinks they know it all, how come they're not telling us what that is?

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Survey: If someone thinks they know it all, how come they're not telling us what that is?




  1. If they really knew it all, they would not be thinking of themselves as knowing it all, they would first think that they know nothing, then they would not be bothered with thinking itself, and if they were to tell us anything about it, we would not be able to understand unless we are ready for it, but then  there would be nothing for them to tell, for it is not something to be told, it is something we grasp from the totality of life experiences.

  2. Because that person thinks they know it all. And they're not telling us what that is because they do not know what that is. Simply thinking they know it all doesn't make sense; it's the matter of knowing it all.

  3. My brother has checked and rechecked several times and is supremely confident that he knows it all despite not being a Jehovah's Witness, although he says little else. But his favorite word is obfuscation which certainly suggests that he knows some words if not everything.

    If only we could develop some "Tolerance -Tums" to aide us in digesting the truth. Maybe we would take a chance and listen, although there are advantages to pretending, providing us with numerous pretend advantages.

    Life was simplier when we were just concerned with aliens.

  4. because if someone knew it all it would be hard to let it all and then hope you still be around to even hear it .

  5. Because we are not yet ready for that information...all in good time...step by step...That's the right way to teach/learn!!!

  6. Because once you know it then know that at most times it's best to keep your mouth shut at any expense...

  7. Sounds like you're due some sanctimonious weekend visits by our good friends The Jehovah's Witnesses or The Mormons.    They not only KNOW it ALL, they are generous enough to share it ALL.


  8. it's been my experience that the more you know the sadder you become and maybe you don't wanna be a buzzkill!

    Besides the most you can know is everything that has happend up until that point in time which of course is impossible because you can't be everywhere at once...unfortunetly!

  9. because there is so much to tell, and because they knew it all, theyd know that it would be impossible to tell you all of it. =]

  10. If he just TOLD you, how would he sell his book? ;-)

  11. Because people that flaunt themselves as know it alls generally know nothing.

  12. Few would eat the truth if offered, much less digest it.  Recent quote from right-wing pal in the Bay Area (who was once a draft-resister!): "That global warming stuff is all BS.  I don't believe a word of it.  We need to recognize that Islam is a religion of violence."  We prefer Disneyland and Las Vegas to reality.  And movies where you can dodge machine-gun fire by cleverly weaving your SUV.  Why bother with elder care when you can have "Life Alert"?  And stay forever young with cosmetic surgery.  Long live the 2nd Amendment and Manifest Destiny!   After all,  this IS the 18th Century, right?

  13. And just how would one know that they knew it all?

    Isn't knowledge an open ended thing?

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