
Survey..Mainly for fans of Star Trek .??

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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And its various incarnations..

Were the mighty Borg , really as clever as they thought they were.?

If not why so.?




  1. ^^^^^^^ is under the spell of my dark power ;-)

  2. I agree with Seven but it's only because she's hot.

  3. No, because Jean -Luc Picard can outwit them and drones can escape (7 of 9).

  4. I think I'll agree with Seven of Nine. I don't want to be zapped :-(

  5. This mighty Borg is VERY clever, thank you very much!

    (& modest too)

    Anyone saying otherwise will be zapped with my phaser


  6. Fairly clever, but it seems all you really had to do was play at being dumb and a pacifist, to not get into trouble. "I'm not here really"

  7. How could they have been that clever when the only thing they ever won was the Eurovision song

  8. Borg ?

    Did they have tennis tournaments aboard the Enterprise then ?

    He did have a strong back hand though !!!

    Good Luck.X :-)

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