
Survey! Please fill it out! Easy 10 pts!?

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I need 10 people to fill this out so I can complete my Sociology project! Thanks!

Survey of the American Education System

On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), rate the following:

1. Teaching Staff ___

2. Core Curriculum ___

3. Elective Classes ___

4. School Environment ___

5. Class Scheduling ___

6. Do you think teacher’s expectations are high enough?

7. Do you agree with standardized testing as a way to rank students?

8. Should you be able to choose the school or should you be required to go to a school based on where you live?

9. What is your overall opinion of the current education system?

10. What do you think can be done to improve our education system?




  1. 1. 7-9 (depends on the school system, location, pay  scale, etc.)

    2. 10 ( a core curriculum is vital to an educated populace)

    3. 8-9 (electives provide opportunities to explore personal interests that go beyond the classroom.)

    4. 10 ( a positive, safe, friendly environment helps students learn and models behaviors that will carry over into life beyond the school walls.)

    5. 6. (always a problem; some administrators have no concept of what a 6th grader's needs are.  PE first thing is not a good idea)

    6. 7-10 (depends on the teacher and the setting.  Every teacher should challenge each student to do a little better every time. That way they are not overwhelmed, but have many small successes)

    7. yes It is not "fair"for some,  but it reflects the real world.

    8. In an ideal world, the school where you live would have everything you need to become a happy, productive individual. In the real world, you sometimes need to be bussed.

    9. We need national educational standards that are on a par with the rest of the industrialized world. Substantial ( not adequate) funding should be supplied by the Federal government with  each child having equal worth. Local municipalities could then supplement as their community choses through voting for bond issues.  We also need federal standards for teachers along with commensurate pay.

    10. reduce state influence and increase federal oversight, as strange as that sounds.  For example, right now Texas standards dominate the creation of most textbooks. Creationism is already in some texts. Moments of "silent reflection" have been added to school days. We need a separation of church and state in our public schools.  Those who disagree should send their children to parochial school where their religious needs may be met. Public schools are a polyglot of races, religions, and customs.  It is an opportunity to learn about those ideas, but not to force them upon students.

    Teachers need to be held to higher standards and be rewarded for continuing education.

    Parents must be held to higher standards too, and must become involved in their students' learning.  The days when  homework was done at the kitchen table with mom or dad or both of them checking your work need to be reintroduced to parents who "have" to run to the gym or "catch" their favorite show while their kids are shut away in their rooms with too many distractions.  Learning must become a family activity again.

  2. 1.Teaching Staff _9__

    2.Core Curriculum __5_

    3.Elective Classes _10__

    4.School Environment __9_

    5.Class Scheduling __9_

    6.Do you think teacher’s expectations are high enough?  It depends on the students, some may be able to accomplish more than others but teachers should expect the highest of their students.

    7.Do you agree with standardized testing as a way to rank students?  NO!  It forces teachers to concentrate too much on making sure that students are going to do well on the test and only whats on the test...not what the students may actually need or want to learn about.

    8.Should you be able to choose the school or should you be required to go to a school based on where you live?

    You should be able to choose but may have to pay a tuition to help with over crowding.

    9.What is your overall opinion of the current education system?  I think there could be some improvments for example KARA.

    10.What do you think can be done to improve our education system?  allow teachers to teach and not be so focused on the state test.

  3. Survey of the American Education System

    On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), rate the following:

    1. Teaching Staff  - 7

    2. Core Curriculum  - 5

    3. Elective Classes  - 6

    4. School Environment - 4

    5. Class Scheduling  - 5

    6. Do you think teacher’s expectations are high enough?

    It varies so widely from teacher to teacher.  I feel that teachers should expect the best from everyone, but one person's best may be another person's worst.  If the teacher expects a lot from each student,that teacher must provide many opportunities for the student to learn it.  

    7. Do you agree with standardized testing as a way to rank students?  - No, too often the test content does not match what was taught in the classroom.  Tests are not always well written.  A certain amount of guessing is involved.

    8. Should you be able to choose the school or should you be required to go to a school based on where you live?

    Hopefully, you should be able to choose your school.  However, if the school you wish to attend is already full, you may not get your choice.  That has happened a lot.

    9. What is your overall opinion of the current education system? - I think overall schools are doing a very good job.  Given the society in which we live and the overemphasis on testing, I wonder how teachers can take the stress.  The government needs to back off on testing and raise the qualifications and salaries of teachers.  They are the key.  If teaching becomes a desirable profession again, teachers with real talent for the job will start applying.

    10. What do you think can be done to improve our education system? I answered that in #9.

  4. Survey of the American Education System

    On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), rate the following:

    1. Teaching Staff __10_

    2. Core Curriculum __10_

    3. Elective Classes __9_

    4. School Environment __10_

    5. Class Scheduling ___9

    6. Do you think teacher’s expectations are high enough? It depends on the area, locality and subjects taught. The culture in the area dtermines the expectations.

    7. Do you agree with standardized testing as a way to rank students? No   some students are very smart but do not test well

    8. Should you be able to choose the school or should you be required to go to a school based on where you live? That is why there is open enrollment,  

    9. What is your overall opinion of the current education system?

    NCLB is not fair to special needs children

    10. What do you think can be done to improve our education system? Get rid of the NCLB...and give more funding to the schools

  5. 1. 8

    2. 6

    3. 7

    4. 7

    5. 7

    6. no

    7. no

    8. choose

    9. moderately good

    10. higher standards for college bound students.  not passing students who do not meet these standards. incorporating more trade learning programs for children who are not college bound.

  6. 1. 8

    2. 9

    3. 10

    4. 7

    5. 8

    6. No, i think with the grades at my school, the teachers need to raise the bar...

    7. No way, some kids are great students, but terrible test takers... besides how should a student's entire academic level be evaluated on one test?...

    8. Choosing, based on where you live can totally through you off if you move into a new zone (even if it's just two blocks away and you cross the zone line.)

    9. I think it's okay, but we need more remedial classes for all the, well "challenged" kids...

    10. I kinda answered that in number 9...

  7. What do you think can be done to improve our education system?

    I think pidgeons should teach they have feelings too! Its not fair its just not fair. Pidgeons are smarter than the human, except im part pidgeon so im the smartest person on the world.

  8. Survey of the American Education System

    On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), rate the following:

    1. Teaching Staff _8__

    2. Core Curriculum _7__

    3. Elective Classes _8__

    4. School Environment _8__

    5. Class Scheduling __6_

    6. Do you think teacher’s expectations are high enough?

    I think a lot of times teacher expectation are actually too high.  As a teacher though, I know that is the result of the pressure that is put on teachers to try to cover an overwhelming amount of material in such a short amount of time.

    7. Do you agree with standardized testing as a way to rank students?

    I think standardized tests are an important tool.  The problem is that instead of simply practicing good teaching and allowing the tests to reflect that, the focus has reversed so that we are instead teaching the students how to pass the test.

    8. Should you be able to choose the school or should you be required to go to a school based on where you live?

    I think the only realistic way of ensuring equality for all students, is to assign students to a school based on where they live.  Otherwise, you would wind up with too many students in one school, and not enough in another.  If parents are unsatified with public education, private schools are another option.

    9. What is your overall opinion of the current education system?

    It is definitely in need of change.  The ideas are good in theory, but in practice it is just not working as well as it could be.

    10. What do you think can be done to improve our education system?

    Put the focus back on learning, instead of on passing a test.  Also, there needs to be a more realistic expectation for the amount of material that is to be taught in 10 months time.

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