
Survey: Please tell me now, is there something I should know....?

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What is on your mind.......??

THANKS everyone for taking the time......................




  1. I'm currently thinking about how to answer your question, but a few seconds ago, I was thinking about when I will meet a vampire who will not kill or attempt to kill me, and how long the human race has to live before Global Warming and other such problems destroy us. Yes, I have a joyful mind in mornings...  

  2. A banging headache is what's on my mind.... :0(  

  3. Somethin' on my mind...

    Breakin' open doors I'd sealed up beforrrrrre!

  4. my cat has delivered one kitten this morning and i don`t know if there are any more ?

  5. I'm hoping I got that job I went for yesterday... but at the same time I sort of don't want it!  I like the money, and the location, and the experience I'd get, but I know I'll hate an office job!

    So, whats on your mind then?

  6. Just as the whole body is represented in a single cell, and the nationality of a footballer expresses itself in his style of play, and the shape of someone’s hands shows her character, so it is that our entire relationship, yours and mine, is somehow contained in the way I say “I acknowledge that you exist,” or “hello” for short.

    Sometimes I give a poor hello. I meet someone new and my blood pressure rises; I feel stress, and a slight restlessness tugs my attention away, like it sometimes does when I am reading and struggle to “hold on” to the words. I forget your name, or forget to ask for your number, my witticisms seem forced and flow breaks down. This is the same problem that frustrated lovers experience after the honeymoon and improvisers have on stage when a scene is failing. There might be laughter and a great display of interest, but something is going wrong, and an uncomfortable sinking feeling returns, one I’ve had many times before.

    To avoid this feeling I learn to perform a hello, which, over time, I get better at executing. I don’t learn consciously, practicing in front of the mirror, but through imitating the hellos of people whose values I identify with; friends, film-stars, successful artists or businessmen. A confident hand-shake for a job interview, a cool and casual nod for the streets, an upbeat “hiya!” for the pub, or a nurturing hug for the yoga class.

    The stronger my values, the more what I call “first impression” will come to mean not what is actually happening, but how what I am perceiving fits what I consider important, which really is a second impression. Someone will give a good second impression by imitating a hello that represents my values.

    First impression precedes all this. It is the lightning quick moment of direct experience, where I experience the way you greet not me, but reality. Children and animals are experts in perceiving first impression, because they are unable to learn a second one. From the subtlest gesture, expression and tone, they experience my hello directly; either a learnt performance, the effort and stress of which repels, or a lack of it. This is not learnt, but recognised; and so they come and play with me.

  7. YES!!  Knowledge is power that can translate into money.  I bought a vinyl record album in a Thrift for a dollar.  I sold it on E-Bay for $82.  It wasn't an accident.  I recognized what I found when I bought it.  There's tons more out there.  It's cheaper and faster than a metal detector.

  8. Yes, Duran Duran are a great band - those lyrics are great.

  9. Yeah the world is getting worse, all the global warming and disasters  :S

    Not good.

    But im happy!

  10. Well...I am a little up set right one even bother to answer my question on -"Has your pet sitter or cleaning lady ever steal from you?"...I Always feel so star deprived and people are stingy giving them. It's like will it kill them to do so?? :))

  11. The call is coming from inside the house!!

  12. I'm thinking of how to solved my computer problems..

  13. Yes .. The elevator only goes up 7 but you wanna be on 9 ........

  14. What is on my mind? How i have to go upstairs soon and iron 22 school t-shirts. Schools open tomorrow - whopppeeee, cant wait!

  15. It's colder now than it was. Before, it wasn't so cold as it is.... isn't it?

  16. Someone just hurt my feelings :(

  17. nope....

  18. There's a dream that strings the road, with broken glass for us to hold.

  19. that some people in the world are worse than animals!!.....what family in their right mind, would attack an innocent girl with a dog chain and metal bar. the world's gone F*****G MAD!!! Get well soon ***** ***** XX

  20. I cant get any decent photos today due to bad weather..

    I am now driving Glenys mad as its made me grumpy....ggrrrr...

    So I will have to cook tea instead..

    Spag Bol Melia.?

  21. I think that the fact that you said "thanks everyone for taking the time" is really nice of you. lol

  22. There is lots on my mind, sadly i can't talk about it here.

  23. Why would it have to bounce down with rain when I have to nip to the shop , and should I wait for it to ease off or be brave and go in it ?

    Sod that just heard thunder I think I will wait, lol

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