
Survey Question: Can we ever recover the depleted Ozone Layer?

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I am conducting a survey for our school project. So it would be very helpful if you provide me with your educational level, experience, background and age.

Do you think we'd ever be able to recover the depleted Ozone layer?




  1. its a natural process,its just that the process is slow and the rate of harm is more,,but still i believe that man will understand it soon and will bring ozone back to normal level..

  2. yes not to fear cosmic rays are here.

  3. In theory we could recover the depleted ozone layer.  Actually, in theory we could reverse all of the damage we have done to the environment.  However, in actuality we can not recover the ozone layer or any other damage we have done to the environment.  This is because of the extreme costs and measures that would have to be taken to do so.  It would cost billions of dollars to fix the problems, and it would take radical changes in the human population and the way we do things.  Hope this helps you out!

  4. Actually, the ozone has been recovering nicely.  I recently read an article that stated the "hole" in the ozone layer over Antarctica is roughly 50% smaller than it was at its largest point.

  5. The ozone layer that protects the earth from the effects of UV rays from the sun, is constantly changing. Global conditions such as pitch within our orbit as well as activities on earth pertaining to pollution etc. causes the protection levels to change over the months.

    Needless to say, the angle in which the earth rotates on is axis will cause various regions of the earth to be less or more protected throughout the seasons.

    Industrialization within countries that are producing products important to our existence have regional effects on atmospheric conditions within the ozone layer as well as weather patterns on earth.

    The natural replenishing effects that mother nature goes through with reproduction of plant matter helps ensure a balance to continue the levels of which the ozone layer has above the earth.

    Although governments and green peace activists lash out over the so called depleation of the ozone layer through the effects of mankind , little can be done by governments to change that. That however, doesn't seem to stop the governments from imposing taxes said to be directed towards an enviromental cure all the while being spent on the lavish lifestyles of Governments.

    No government has within it's power a means of improving the quality of the ozone layer. All they have, and succeed in doing, is taxing the consumer for using products that they claim damages the ozone layer. All the while, the monies they collect in these taxes, end up going nowhere near the intended place it was implimented for.

    As to your initial question of whether or not we can recover the ozone layer, the answer is simply yes. The answer can be hampered though if we continue to send space ships into orbit to search for the existance of water on a planet that will never be able to support human existance.

    It has been stated, that every time the space agencies around the world, send a space ship into orbit, the damages done by each pass through the ozone layer is equal to the effects of ALL internal combustion engines worldwide running for a 10 year period. Given the fact that would equate to 20 years damages on each mission due to exit and re-entry we need to curtail our space missions and deal with matters more closer to earth.

  6. It is already recovering.  Cosmic radiation is continuously creating ozone in the upper atmosphere, and the manmade chemicals which contribute to the depletion are breaking down year by year.

    6 years college, 36 yrs old

  7. The Ozone layer is recovering since the adoption of the Montreal protocol and the banning of CFCs etc that destroyed it

    Please note ozone depletion is not connected to climate change, except in a small and indirect way.

  8. yes ,we can prevent it by the use of CFLS instead of ordinary bulbs.we should also pass the harmful gases coming out from factories into the purification chamber(costly !! but worth!!!!!!!!!!!)we should find some other means of fuel which gives less harmful gases than the gases produced now.

    the research centers have also taken measures to prevent the depletion layer .


    Ozone-depleting chemicals in Finland

    Action to prevent ozone depletion

    International co-operation


    Ozone-depleting chemicals in Finland

    The manufacturing, marketing, use and export of ozone-depleting substances and products that contain them are generally prohibited in Finland. Exceptions include the unavoidable use of such products for certain analytical processes in laboratories, in asthmatics’ inhalers, and in the maintenance of refrigeration equipment that contains HCFC compounds. Ozone-depleting substances have never been manufactured in Finland.

    Equipment in use in Finland may still contain ozone-depleting substances, particularly in refrigerants and insulation foams. When no longer in use, ozone-depleting substances and any equipment or materials containing them are classified in Finland as hazardous wastes.

    Action to prevent ozone depletion

    Two major international agreements aim to protect the ozone layer. The Vienna Convention sets out a framework for scientific and technical co-operation related to the monitoring of the ozone layer; while the Montreal Protocol controls the manufacture, use and trading of ozone-depleting substances. Finland has ratified the Vienna Convention (in 1986), and the Montreal Protocol (in 1988), as well as the Protocol’s four subsequent amendments.

    Finland has additionally transposed the EC Regulation on ozone-depleting substances, which ensures that the requirements of the Montreal Protocol are met in the European Community, and also includes some stricter controls than those set in the Protocol. The European Commission issues permits and quotas related to imports of ozone-depleting substances to Finland on the basis of this Regulation.

    Finland’s national legislation sets out detailed controls over the maintenance and safe disposal of equipment containing ozone-depleting substances, including requirements related to the competence of maintenance and waste disposal staff.

    Controls over the use of ozone-depleting substances in Finland are supervised by the authorities as defined in the Environmental Protection Act, the Waste Act and the Chemicals Act.  

    thank you

  9. yes, and it's only because women finally stoped using all that hair spray. did any of you ever hear the word, CYCLE?

    NATURE?  every time some little change happens, some looney claims that man caused it. and worse yet, some people believe it.

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