
Survey Question: Would you give up technology for environment?

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It is a well known fact that ozone depletion is potentially harmful for the earth and its inhabitants. Considering also that man-made technology like air conditioners releasing CFC's, cars emitting carbon gas, refrigerants emitting O.D.C's all helping that ozone hole get bigger, therefore would you change your lifestyle to be more environmentally-friendly by driving zero-emission cars, walking, taking the bus, reducing A.C. usage, etc.?

- Definitely

- May be

- No

- I already live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle

Please be honest. I'm conducting a survey for my chemistry ISU. It would be helpful if you also mention your educational level, experience, background and age. Thanks.




  1. I would give up what I could.  I would take the bus to work, but they don't run early enough.  I have already reduced my AC usage due to high bills.  

         I would gladly install a tankless water heater, a geothermal heating and AC system with a hot water pre-heater, and a solar/ wind system to power my energy efficient appliances, but as of right now they remain cost prohibitive.  Until the need for those items outweighs the cons of their high cost they will remain good ideas and not realities for me personally.  These things would help me to maintain my lifestyle so I would use less energy yet get the same benefits as I now enjoy.

         So, overly long and boring answer short, no I would not give up my stuff.  I would find a way to work around the problem with tech that had existed for quite a long time, but has hidden in plain sight.

  2. If global warming is proved 100% To be caused by human activity. Then yes I would give up technology. Probably be better off without it any way.

  3. Yes. And I am being honest.

    Id rather live in this world where I can go to a lake with my family, or going camping, hiking, in 10 years from now. We don't need computers, fashionable cars[ that takes up too much gas] blasting A/C in your house. Come on, our grandparents, and their parents lived a simple lifestyle, and now they have so much to teach us. What will this generation say? UM I spent all of my time on the computer, there wasn't anywhere to really play. Outside? No, I need technology. Next thing you know technology will take over. You really never know. I just come on here for awhile. Everyone should take some time to help this planet we call home.

  4. yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. When I read your title and then the body of the question, I see a disconnect.  Being environmentally effective means not giving up technology, it means changing from one technology to another.

    I am not sure about CFC's and ozone, and I am not sure about global warning.  But I am sure about conservation.  I am always willing to recycle and repurpose, even if it costs more.  And I am certainly in favor of more efficient technologies.  Here is a question for you:  Why don't most building codes specify alternative, energy saving construction methods?

  6. Good luck with your project however you do not have to sacrifice technology to be green.  I would recommend checking out to learn about things that you can do to help the environment and help you save money at the same time.

  7. - Absolutely not.

    BA from a Big Ten university, Sales Manager, 39 year-old male.

  8. Without technology the environment would be cold, or hot,too dry, too wet, dirty and disease ridden-just like it is in the third world!

  9. No.

    58 years old

    Advanced degrees in engineering and business

    Too much experience to buy into the environmental/global warming hype.

  10. I have been a Keen motorist for more years than many people have been alive. Now driving is just a pain and a hassle so yes with decent safe and affordable public transport  I would cheerfully give up my car.

  11. Definitely. Yes.

  12. Definitely YES.

    we lived with out it before we became inundated with it. but a word of warning, do not go to far to the right, remember technology means more work, take it all away and you have a smaller work force making less Money , there for the economy of the world suffers.  

    it is a catch 22 situation.

    But i  still say  YES  to the question.

  13. definitely

  14. Definitely...I could we live in an unhealthy enviroment??......We could die..then what will be the use of technolgy??

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