
Survey: Rugby or American Football?

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Personally I'm a rugby guy, been playing for 6 years, but also grew up playing american football. Tighthead Prop




  1. Even though Rugby is a lot of guys running around after a ball, touching each other, I've grown very fond of it and now I'm a huge fan. I'd definately say rugby, its s**y too.

  2. Here we go again...

    watch out for the reactionary views...

  3. Until the NFL stages a World Cup and is regarded as a truly international sport, I don't think it can even be compared to Union. NFL would attract more fans globally if players removed all the padding and ran for 80 minutes.

  4. Rugby

    Don't understand American Football and have hardly watched so can't really comment.

  5. rugby

    that american football looks lke a circus act

  6. Rugby - I once went to try out for the local Grid Iron team when they saw that my background was in Rugby they were so excited...

    "Wow someone who can run and tackle"

    I didnt join

  7. RUGBY!!! :-D

  8. Rugby Rugby  Rugby.

    But i have been interested in the NFL but i don't like the idea of wearing all that padding. Offence team and defence team too.

  9. ive played "american" football for 7 years...and rugby for 3...i enjoy a rugby a lot more

    and for you people who say american football give rugby a try and you'll enjoy it...

  10. im a fan of both. but rugby is better. alot more free flowing and doesnt take as long to watch

  11. American Football

  12. Rugby

  13. Rugby. This is the rugby section too.

  14. Rugby all the way

  15. rugby of course....american football is hardly interesting when compared to rugby

  16. I'm Canadian and I have to say that I'm all about rugby. No if, ands or buts

  17. i ve grown up with american football and have played it my whole life and have only just started to play rugby but i deffinitely enjoy it more football gets too boring sometimes i love that you never stop moving in rugby

  18. I'm going with Rugby, I've played American football for 6 years but once I switched to rugby I will never go back.

  19. I have been a rugby player and, at 61 I am still a rugby fan. American footbal interests me only towards the final of the super bowl or whatever.

  20. RUGBY! i live in new zealand so natually its rugby for me

  21. Rugby!

  22. Definitely Rugby.

  23. Rugby, it's tougher, more skillful and better to watch.

    American Football seems to go on for hours, with the ball in play for around 15 minutes. The rest of the time is taken up by tactical talks and 'high fives' to celebrate a team advancing a few's like watching paint dry.

  24. RUGBY is the bestest sport in the world------

    who wants to stop the game every ten seconds and wear 8inch plastic shoulder pads when you can jus wear a shirt and shorts and some boots and get stuck into a ruck or a maul and smash the sugar out of someone

    and then shake their hand at the ened of the game???

    it is the most fun ever and americans should play more of it because iot could be soo big over there

  25. Yo embie, I am a loosehead prop and if you look anything like your picture i am sure me and rugger4 would love to have you in the front row with us , as you say touching each other,

    Better watch out for those locks behind you though !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry if i have offended you just hope you have a sense of humour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. definately Rugby. so much more interesting. American football is for beer drinkers who do not want action lasting more than 10 seconds straight.

    There is a reason the whole world tries to play rugby and participates to world tournaments. And there is also a reason american football is played only in the north american ground... because it's boooooring !!

    @Roling eto: you resumed my thoughts.

  27. I am American and I have to agree with the majority of people on here.  Rugby is much better than football.  I played both.  In football you're stuck in one position you may not even like.  In Rugby you do everything, no matter the position.  Also, it's tough to compare American Football to Rugby.  American Football is actually very fun to watch if you know the rules.  They wear all the padding because of the tackling rules.  You can leave your feet, lead with your shoulder, and tackle high in Football.  Where in Rugby you must rap to tackle someone.  That's pretty much the reason for the all the gear.

  28. Rugby.  No question

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