
Survey: Should same s*x marriage be legal?

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Yes or No? Please be brief, and in both cases, please present a list of reasons why you choose your answer; List them so that they are easily read and understood. Numbering the list would be helpful. Also include source material for your reasoning. Thank you.




  1. I would say so. This is america, "home of the free", so why shouldn't two men/women be allowed to get married?

  2. No.  They can't have children and they can't even have s*x like normal people either.  They should keep their deviance private.

  3. No, same s*x marriage should NOT be legal.

    1.  God said so.

  4. for sure- why do others care so much.

  5. Why not?     Who does it hurt for two people who are committed to each other to have a union, wedding, or whatever you want to call it.

    There is little enough love in this world.    For those so-called "Christians" who object--it's clearly in your religion not to judge others, nor to cast the first stone.

    Love one another; regardless of who or what you are.

  6. yes

    My reasons for yes are:

    1. If the g*y community can only be happy emotionally and sexually with the same s*x than you might as well let them be happy

    2. They are human there is nothing wrong with them i mean its the same thing with skin colors they are the same as everyone else but there is still discrimination

  7. HOW THE h**l CAN YOU HAVE SOURCE MATERIAL FOR YOUR OWN OPINION?????  What does it matter if g**s/lesbians/transexuals get married?  The only people really against it are very very old people and americans.

  8. It should be legal, in fact... it should never have been illegal to begin with!

    Right there in the Bill of Rights it says, and I am paraphrasing here, "...the right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS"

    If being married makes g*y/L*****n people happy, then who has the right to infringe upon their RIGHT to do so?

    Hardcore right wing conservatives argue that same s*x marriage some how cheapens or threatens straight marriages, but when asked HOW they never seem to be able to answer!

    I also firmly believe that NO government should be sticking it's nose into the romantic, sexual and marital affairs of grown consensual adults, and that includes marriages that are same sexed, opposite sexed or those with multiple spouses!

  9. Yes

    Marriage is between two people, who cares what s*x they are

  10. yes.

    if you love someone, cool, be happy - get married if that is what it takes for you to be happy.  

  11. It is up to the people in each state to vote yes or no.

    In states where the people have voted "for" same s*x union, then all the rights of married couples must be given to same-s*x couples.

  12. Yes, denying a g*y man wedding registry is a crime against nature.

  13. No one even knows if God is real or not, maybe god is g*y and doesn't want to be so he pretends he isn't. But hey, if 2 people love each other why not?

  14. That is a loaded question.  I have pondered over this one from time to time.  Basically g*y people don't realize how lucky they are not having to sign on the dotted line etc.  When they want to leave one another, they can do it with no problems only the emotional ones suffered after a breakup.  But then on the other hand couples who have been together for years and then when one is ill, the family prevents the lover from being with that person.  So you can come up with all sorts of arguments for and against on this one.  But this is a very puritanical society we live in, so it is going to take time to sort it all out.  My answer, maybe.

  15. Yes it should. Just because they like the same s*x, that doesn't mean anything, they can't help it, like straight people like the same s*x, they can't help it, it's just the way people are.

  16. I thought the school year was just beginning, not ending. Your final paper is a little late, isn't it?

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