
Survey: Should the UK move back to absolute monarchy?

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What kind of queen do you think Elizabeth II would be if she had absolute power?




  1. no, an absolute monarchy is too similar to dictatorship

  2. Like that would even actually happen in these times?  Hasn't there been enough violence and craziness in history to support why that would be wrong?  I don't even think QEII would even entertain such a ridiculous idea.

  3. Maybe Semi-Absolute because what is the point if they don't have power, because I'm in favor of the monarchy/

  4. I think we should do the opposite, we have no need for a monarchy it stands against everything modern democracy stands for

  5. No we should not move back to an absolute monarchy

    Anyway, I think Queen Elizabeth would be a very conservative queen. Britain would be more conservative if it was this way.

  6. yes .get rid of the government power crazy crooks .!!!!!

  7. absolutely not

    blue blood is bull ****

    we need a body that will represent the people elected by the people

  8. yes got to be better than brown

  9. In my opinion, I think Absolute Monarchy would be better than Labour's Britain.

  10. No way!

  11. are you crazy?  Surely you don't think it would be right to give an out of touch family like the Windsors real power?  What state would the country be in if that happened?  They have absolutely no idea what goes on in the real world

  12. The Queen I think would be great, but Charles should never be King.

  13. She would have a lot more sense of integrity, humour and honour than the bunch of Euromongers in power now. I'm not so sure about Charles, I think he would like to turn the country into a giant agricultural show! And if it was an absolute monarchy, for *&* sake make England a country in its own right again!

  14. No i think we should have a president ,When kings and queens had compleete power they were cruel people.The Royalty is a farce now theyve gone against all that they ever stood for.

  15. It wouldn't make any difference.....sorry but absolute monarchy is sooo 1660........ this is 2008.

    If she became an absolute monarch, she would automatically get overthrown...

  16. I am sorry......but I wouldn't want to see that!         She is just to cold for my taste..........

  17. Home rule yes but the monarchy no.

  18. Probably do a better job than those in power now.  Lets face it she can`t do much worse.

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