
Survey: Should we declare war on typhoons (hurricanes) and tornados, like we did on drugs?

by  |  earlier

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(Seems ludicrous, doesn't it? Same with a war on drugs, right?)




  1. The war on drugs is legit. The war on typhoons is moronic.

  2. The tornadoes would win easily. Don't encourage them or you might get more of them.

  3. Ah, a battle to be fought at the Sunny Side Trailer Park...

  4. If we could create a good slogan to go with it then i might consider it. We had the famous "Hugs Not Drugs" thing going which had a good ring to it. How about "Dont be a buffoon leave before a typhoon". Hey thats actually pretty good.

  5. yeah, probably do just as much good

  6. They have actually tried dumping chemicals into these storms to see if they could affect them. Scientist are still studying them to see if there is something they can do. The war on drugs is being fought poorly. We need to fight it but the methods we are using are not working. I don't have the answers but I hope somebody comes up with something quick before our society collapses due to gang violence and drug addiction.

  7. We don't need to. We are ALREADY letting other countries ship in our storms. The only difference is politicians aren't making money off them.

  8. Both are pointless, though there may be a fighting chance in the War on Typhoons. Better luck winning it than winning against drugs.


  9. just like alcohol during prohibition, if people want the drugs, they will find them. Someone will always be willing to take the risk of imprisonment, to get loads of cash(Al Capone)!!!!!!

  10. yes we should.  d**n those typhoons... always ruining everything.

  11. Hurricanes should take some drugs and relax...why are they so angry all the time?

  12. I agree. Anyone who is found in possession of a tornado or hurricane should spend some serious time in the big house. The war on drugs has been a failure. It has only succeeded in driving up the price. Selling illegal drugs has become more lucrative.

  13. We should with typhoons and tornados...But not drugs,drugs are good..

  14. Ummm, dude, drugs can be stopped, weather disastors can't.  If you wanna declare war on weather disastors, go ahead, but I doubt you'd last very long, much less win.

  15. Peace to the world or the world in pieces ..Pocky

    I wanna hug a tree now..and take some drugs...* tee hee..

    I like Garetts answer..he get's my vote..funny..

  16. Ummm....I don't think that we can do anything about tornados, huricanes or typhoons as they are acts of nature...drugs are not an act of nature...they are an act of human stupidity.

  17. UMM no we can't declare war on weather it's mother nature u can't stop it. Where ever u get that idea u'd better get rid of it, it's almost the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  

  18. Have to wonder how TWO very DIFFERENT Subjects (Topics -- Nature v Drugs)  got strung together in the SAME Sentence -- WOW ...

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