
Survey - Underage Binge Drinking

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For my Studies of Societies class, I am investigating binge drinking in underage youth, and will seek to ascertain the lifestyle problems and changes that occur. I appreciate your time in completing this survey.

Age: Under 14 15-19 20-24 25

Gender: Male Female

How often do you drink alcohol?

 Daily

 Weekly

 Monthly

 Never

Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?

 Yes

 No

Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?

 Yes

 No

Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?

 Yes

 No

 Sometimes

Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?

 Yes

 No

Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?

 Yes

 No

Please explain your answer__________________________________...


Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth? (please choose one answer)

 Parents

 Peer groups

 Media

 Other (please specify) ________________________________________...

Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol? (please choose one answer)

 Parents

 Peer groups

 Fake ID’s

 Other (please specify) ________________________________________...

Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis? ________________________________________...


In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth? ___________________________


Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?

 Yes

 No

 It will just make people buy less taxed alcohols

 Only among female drinkers

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.




  1. Age: Under 14 (15-19) 20-24 25

    Gender: Male (Female)

    How often do you drink alcohol?

     Daily

     Weekly


     Never

    Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?


     No

    Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?

     Yes


    Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?

     Yes


     Sometimes

    Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?

     Yes


    Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?

     Yes


    Please explain your answer

    I think nineteen's definitely long enough to wait.

    Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth? (please choose one answer)

     Parents

     Peer groups

     Media

    (Other) (please specify)

    No one's responsible but culture and ourselves.

    Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol? (please choose one answer)

     Parents

    (Peer groups)

     Fake ID’s

    (Other) (please specify)

    Friend's parents

    Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis? no other reason except that's it's fun and teenagers have a tough day to day life.

    In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth?

    take more pressure off school. :)

    Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?

     Yes

     No

    (It will just make people buy less taxed alcohols)

     Only among female drinkers

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

  2. Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    How often do you drink alcohol?


    Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?


    Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?


    Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?


    Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?


    Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?

    Yes. 18 is still considered too young.

    Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth? (please choose one answer)

    Peer groups because friends pressure you to drink.

    Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol? (please choose one answer)

    Peer groups. Friends giving their friends alcohol.

    Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis? Peer pressure and they want to look cool.

    In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth? More programs to show how alcohol is bad.

    Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?

    It will just make people buy less taxed alcohols

  3. im 15

    im a male








  4. Age: 19

    How often do you drink alcohol?

    D. Almost Never

    Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?

    B. No

    Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?

    B. No

    Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?

    B. No

    Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?

    B. No

    Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?

    A. ? The drinking age is already 21. (in the US) In other countries, it should be 21 if it's not already.

    Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth?

    B. Peer groups (but the others are also responsible)

    Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol?

    A. Parents (but all of them are major factors)

    Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis?

    Get a buzz or to 'fit in.'

    In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth?

    Education and parental responsibility.

    Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?

    A. Yes

  5. Age: 15-19

    Gender: Female

    How often do you drink alcohol?


    Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?


    Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?


    Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?


    Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?


    Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?

    -No. Raising the legal drinking age will not change anything. Teenagers will still want to drink and they will find other ways to do it if they wanted to. Changing the legal drinking age would only take the rights away of those who can drink responsibly.

    Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth? (please choose one answer):

    -Peer Groups

    Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol? (please choose one answer):


    Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis?

    -First, not all of us do. I certainly dont feel the need to drink and make an idiot of myself. But people are being tempted regularly by the media who are depicting happy, fun loving people drinking alcohol and by their friends who are pressuring each other to do the "cool" thing and to drink. After they have had a drink, they start to crave the feeling of absent minded happiness they recieve while drinking - they become addicted.

    In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth?

    -Parents should stop supplying alcohol to their kids parties just because they think it's safer if they supply it.

    -The media should stop add campaigns specifically designed to appeal to young drinkers.

    Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?

    -No (they will just buy other forms of alcohol and mix it themselves)

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This question has 5 answers.


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