For my Studies of Societies class, I am investigating binge drinking in underage youth, and will seek to ascertain the lifestyle problems and changes that occur. I appreciate your time in completing this survey.
Age: Under 14 15-19 20-24 25
Gender: Male Female
How often do you drink alcohol?
ï± Daily
ï± Weekly
ï± Monthly
ï± Never
Have you ever drunk more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?
ï± Yes
ï± No
Are you aware that four drinks is the new limit to determine binge drinking?
ï± Yes
ï± No
Do you ever consider yourself a binge drinker?
ï± Yes
ï± No
ï± Sometimes
Do you ever feel pressured to drink alcohol?
ï± Yes
ï± No
Do you support the idea of raising the drinking age back to 21?
ï± Yes
ï± No
Please explain your answer__________________________________...
Who do you feel is responsible for binge drinking in underage youth? (please choose one answer)
ï± Parents
ï± Peer groups
ï± Media
ï± Other (please specify) ________________________________________...
Where do you think underage youth are obtaining their alcohol? (please choose one answer)
ï± Parents
ï± Peer groups
ï± Fake ID’s
ï± Other (please specify) ________________________________________...
Why do you think underage youth feel the need to drink alcohol on a regular basis? ________________________________________...
In your opinion, what is a necessary action that should be taken to reduce the levels of binge drinking in underage youth? ___________________________
Do you think the alcopops tax on pre-mixed drinks will cause sales and consumption to decline?
ï± Yes
ï± No
ï± It will just make people buy less taxed alcohols
ï± Only among female drinkers
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.