
Survey : Was Yahoo Answers a gift from God?

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Survey : Was Yahoo Answers a gift from God?




  1. Yes, it's been quite helpful

  2. No, God's not an indian giver, and i've had two accounts suspended. Both Level 6.

    I also had to block a ton of stalkers on those accounts. I don't think God favours stalkers, at all.  Were he a person, he would probably punch them. Even the Almighty would get tired of being harassed.

    I have met a few decent people however, so maybe good things came out of a bad experience? But i would hardly call this experience a gift.



  3. No..but I am. =] lol jk.  

  4. Yeah its right up there with ****.


  5. lol god from the under perhaps

  6. nope its a curse!but you are =]

  7. tough question! i wonder if fizzdude is still around!

  8. That makes sense! I don't go to church so that must be the reason i get suspended so many times : /   Google needs answer board like this (I heard google was created by the devil)

  9. Yes like everything god gives their are bad side affects.....o wait thats the Devil.


  11. It was a gift from Santa years ago!!!

  12. yes possibly....i just found this 2 days ago and am quite addicted. HELP!

  13. No, more like a gift from h**l

  14. lol yeah..sure why not

  15. Oh's in the e-Bible.


  16. You need to get a life..sunshine...if this is all you can think of to ask.

  17. No, "The Goddess of Gab"....Now bow down until you are spoken to..

  18. Of course. If God didn't want us to waste our days asking and answering life changing questions such as this one He wouldn't have invented the internet.

  19. Yes it was.

    And when he gave it to us he said:

    "Here, go ahead and waste your time in Polls and Surveys.  Post your pictures and have people rate you.  Goodbye now."

  20. Yahoo is the God of the internet (if we don't take into consideration Google) and Yahoo Answers was given to us, the mortals, by Yahoo so yes, Yahoo Answers is a gift from God.  

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