
Survey..What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a stranger...?

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i think this is the best question ive ever come across. i guess its a chance for people who really deserve credit for good deeds to show it publicly. and those who think they do good for others to see that you can always do more. thanks to ~Irish ♥ Creme~




  1. yes it sure is one of the nicest bc most people are either in a hurry somewhere or just in life too much for themselves...

    sometimes I help kids they don't have jobs and are begging their parents for some kind of food or something in a store and I say the positive things about it and that seems to help get them what they need(little things you want that make you happy are needs too!)

  2. I was walking down the streets with an umbrella (rain) and i saw a 5-7 year old girl in the streets i asked her "Wheres your parents?" she was "I don't know i've been out here for a long time" since im way too warm hearted i was late for work just to bring this child to the police to find her parents.

    =] being warm hearted is rewarding yet fatal.

  3. I gave a homeless guy a big box of cookies.  I told the checker at rite aide that he gave me too much change when he gave me 20 instead of ten.  Etc.

  4. well, i guess offering to share the umbrella with a stranger. I cannot leave a person dreanched in rain when i know my umbrella is good for two persons. That's why i like rain, it gives me the chance to share.

  5. i live up the block from a community basketball club and they have kid's games all week night a suv was stuck in the lot across the street from me and i watched for about 5 mins till i realized they weren't getting out, then i grabbed my shovel and rock salt and went and helped them get out (it was a mom and 3 kids).  she was so grateful it almost made me cry, because she didn't have anyone to call to help her out....i like doing good things for people.....someone once told me...say hello to everyone, you never know if you're walking past God

  6. like one time, i held the door open for sum lady.

    oh i know!  one time i was wit my friend n we brought his lil sister to the playground.  then sum girl was stuck on the monkey bars n couldnt get down so i helped her.

  7. There's always homeless people downtown so just about everytime I go downtown, I make it a habit to give at least one homeless person some money. even if I know for a fact that most of the homeless people don't try to get themselves out of the situation that they're in and they'll just waste the money on drugs or something of that nature.

  8. I heard a lady scream for help as I was coming home. I got my cell phone and went to see what it was about. It was an elderly lady who was having a severe anxiety attack. I propped her on a chair and called 911. I stayed with her and tried to calm her down until the paramedics came and took her away.

    I can't help but wonder how many people would have just closed the door when they heard the screams.

  9. your lieing you did not do that for somebody your probilay some perv are somethin lol gave roses

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