
Survey: What's your "Major Pet Peeve" in life?

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(Mine is...I hate reality, game, talent, and dancing shows on Prime Time Television...when I get home from work...and need to relax watching television...what I need is serious fiction...anybody relate to my observation?)




  1. reality TV.  I miss the old sitcoms. I used to watch TV to escape reality.  

    Another one is when people merge into your lane without signaling, that makes me so angry.

  2. I like the reality and the fiction....I hate hearing people wearing flip-flops dragging them along.  Come on people they are Flip-Flops not Scrape-Scrops!

  3. Two and a half men do.....

  4. When people rub their bare feet on the dry sidewalk.

  5. i dislike it when people take a foreign language and have heard the words being pronounced and STILL mispronounce words. I cant help it, i just think that if you take that language, you should be able to pronounce words correctly! UGH!!  And i hate it when people call something the wrong name, like the title of a book or TV show or something. get the name right!!  

  6. People who litter.

  7. People who smoke

  8. The new shows are coming aren't they? I am getting excited about it..especially Houses new ones...

      my major pet peeve? I really dislike tv..I don't wanna hear it on all day,,esp loud sitcom's like nails on a chalkboard..but I like to hear music on..listening to iceroad truckers makes me sleepy,,the noises are so soothing, same thing with listening to sports on the radio,,it's soothing.

  9. Very well put,and I agree with you in the fact that there isn't good TV anymore.However,My MPP right now, are the way that people drive here in this town,.Yes,I reside in resort area, But ..the locals are the ones that need Driver's Ed all over again ...

  10. I hate dancing shows, soap operas are also a major turn-off for me.  

  11. Besides stupid people? Probably people who tuck their shirt into their pants without wearing a belt.

    (yeah, I know it doesn't make sense, but it is true...)

  12. I can't stand it when someone chews loudly, chews with their mouth open, pops their gum, sucks on their teeth, chews their finger nails, or really just any disgusting mouth noises. I'm neurotic about it!

    I can't stand it, too, when there's a crooked picture somewhere. I have to straighten it or I'll go crazy. Kind of an OCD thing, but not necessarily a "pet peeve".....

    As to TV shows, there's not a single reality show, game show, talent show, etc. that I watch and enjoy. I hate anything super loud and "Dramatic," like America's Got Talent or Dancing with The Stars. It's all light hearted,and then BAM! there's intense music and dark lighting effects to make things so dramatic at the end. Annoys the c**p out of me!

    Okay, there's my crazy ranting for the day..... :)

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