
Survey: What colour are the soles of the shoes you're wearing right now?

by  |  earlier

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Mine are brown.. :]




  1. A not-too-pretty brown . . . no, I haven't stepped in anything nasty!

  2. black fleshtone

  3. I am wearing trainers so they are white.  

  4. Black

  5. I'm barefooted right now,but I'm going to see my Grandmother in the nursing home in about half and hour and I'm going to wear my Blue Nike Air Forces and the color of the sole of those shoes are yellow. =)

  6. red

  7. before i kicked them off to

  8. im not wearin shoes right now, but most of the soles in my shoes are black or white

  9. I just took my shoes off much to the annoyance of everyone else in the office. My shoes were black though

  10. black and white checkered

  11. im barefoot too =]

  12. haha not wearing any shoes right now...its labor day and im kickin' back!

  13. Yellow

  14. They were white..

    But i work in a dirty factory so there now greyish from dust lol

  15. im not wearing any but my socks are rainbow :)

  16. I'm barefoot!

  17. mine are brown to! :)

  18. hmmm not sure how to explain it ... dark tan/light brown maybe?  And they have patterns on them :)

  19. Beige.

    They're black slip ons I just wear to work when I can't be botherede with heels.

  20. Skin colored.

  21. Black..i'm at work, so i'm sporting boring but smart office shoes

  22. grey

  23. bare feet huni, so pink!

  24. I'm not wearing any shoes

  25. Black =]

  26. black socks no shoes, i was afraid i would step on my bf with them.  

  27. im barefoot =)

  28. Brown

  29. I havee no shoes on! =[  so... tan

  30. Skin :)   I'm not wearing any shoes.

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