
Survey..What do you consider to be .??

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Your best time of the day..?

Personally I like the mornings when it is still quiet.




  1. NIGHT TIME ! :)

  2. First thing in the morning, having coffee, watching the sun come up and hearing birds singing and starting their day. I also hear other animals starting their days. That is my time to get ready for the day.  

  3. Depends on the day: I'm sure many of us, during so many recent showery days, wait for the deluge to stop

    & then go enjoy da sunshine

    How do ya think Rep reps @ MN will reply?


    I woke up in St Paul's this mornin'

    Good news on my mind   >>   >>


  4. I like the night time mostly, when secrets are easier to tell and anything seems possible.

  5. Dusk.  When the sun is going down and no one is rushing about, just winding down.

  6. morning

    please answer

  7. for me it use to be evenings when i could relax with a cuppa or a pint and watch tv or browse the net.

    now i work evenings so no time of the day is best, nothing compares to evenings for me

  8. The minute I leave the office.I become stress free and can enjoy whats left of the day/night.  

  9. Evening.

  10. Knight . I go to school at knight so i wake up around two .

  11. evening

  12. Richest or famous person in the world.

  13. just before the night is dark. its a great time to sleep

  14. I like ealry morning or llate evening when it is nice and quiet .... although I am moaning like a stuck pig at the moment so tha is kind of defeating the whole quiet thing

  15.   Very early in the morning like at 3am when everybody is asleep and it's quiet.I feel so free because i can do anything at that time without being asked.

  16. about 8:30 p.m. every night when i and my wife put the the little great grand munchkins to bed.(3 of em) we are their relative care givers.

  17. When there is no one in but me, so that could be between 10am and 3pm normally.

  18. Early in the morning, when it is already light and sun is just rising

  19. My best time of day is when I get in from work.

    I sit with my feet up, have a cup of coffee and unwind before making the evening meal.

    I feel as though I'm in heaven.

  20. late's so quiet and peaceful

  21. morning, definitely

  22. My afternoons - when I write my long-hand letters and seal them with wax into hone made illustrated envelopes and write to my friends. In that world which I enter there is not a trace of today. I literally become another person. Of another era, when people had gentility and a conversation could be had without the psychological verbal violence of present day, which so often times NOW suddenly surprises one with a "slap" across the face. If I had a time machine I would not hesitate to return there.

  23. AT THE GYM.


  24. the morning

  25. it is when i am spending time with the wife and there is just the two of us together so it depends what time that happens at.  

  26. Mid morning, once i am awake, had a shower and can face the world and anything it wants to throw at me, lol

  27. I like evenings...


  28. Night time when I have got all the kids in bed and asleep and the house is all quiet and I can then just chill out

  29. Late nights.

    It's quiet when I'm here alone. It gives me time to think about my day and lets me reflect. Plus it's pretty much bed time!

  30. i love night time when my son goes to bed and it's Jase's and me time, then.

    Mind you I really enjoyed this morning as the kids are now back to school, at last.

  31. Late Night, it's still quite too, besides I want to stay awake and if I feel sleepy I can go to bed.

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