
Survey: What effect do you have on the opposite s*x..?

by  |  earlier

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THANKS everyone for taking the time.......................




  1. They get moist .

  2. Usually magnetic.  I either bring 'em in close, or push 'em far away.  

  3. I charm the pants off them...they love me for my humour,wit and sarcasm...they usually end up under the pub table pissin themselves with laughter...with me on top of them....hehe...

  4. I think you'll have to ask our friend, she's the best person to ask,lol.

    *looks up* Hello Nigel, nice to meet you.

  5. The ladies just love my awesome charm. What can I say? The awesome machine never turns off.

  6. As far as females who look good to me......I am invisible to them....cuz they are between twenty and thirty....and well built....and I am 52 and quite obese.....Oh, well.

  7. Well its certainly not the lynx deodorant effect i can say that But seriously its a good question and i will get back to you if i ever find out the answer. Maybe you could help me Melia?

  8. You know what I haven't got a clue.

  9. Most of the time, no effect at all. I'm one of those little sister/best buddy girls.  

  10. I have no effect at all now..

    I do know that my wife is happy enough so maybe I have something right .

  11. I give them bloke needed therapy for months =D

  12. Well for some reason, I just keep frightening them away.

    I'm serious!

  13. The Chemistry

  14. When I was a teen, early twenties and even later... men didn't care to know me, they just had one thing on their mind. I would get whistles from men and stupid pick up lines all the time.

    Now, I think... because of the way I act and the attitude I have, most shallow men don't bother with me and others actually try to know me.. not just what I look like.

  15. At my age I think I'm invisible to the opposite s*x

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