
Survey: What is the most intense sensation you have ever experienced?

by Guest61217  |  earlier

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Survey: What is the most intense sensation you have ever experienced?




  1. I've had some mind-blowing orgasms, a broken leg, an appendectomy, 14 teeth pulled in the same visit, & a severely disturbing marriage break-up.....but the most intense experience for me happens over & over again! It's the realization that God loves me even when I don't particularly feel worthy. There are songs, stories, & scripture parables that simply bring me to tears. Never have I known a greater love, or a better father & friend! ~:D>

  2. Breaking my finger.

    I know, I'm a pretty lucky person, all my life my largest injury was a broken finger.

  3. Baby crowning, jesus that stung like Fukc!

  4. crushed pelvis both sides ouch! weird but numb

  5. The rush you get on a giant roller coaster after riding it all day long.

    the endorphin rush of the O

    The pain of not being able to stand up straight when 2 discs in my back were ruptured.

    Sciatica, ooooooooo ouch.

    The feeling of telling someone I am going to kick the living chit out of them, punch them into a bloody pulp,  and beat them within a centimeter of their life.  That's pretty intense.

    The feeling of being alive and having all your nerve endings tingle like crazy!

    There are others but that's enough for now.

  6. my heart breaking...without anyone noticing...

  7. Pain, I got my head crushed when I was at school the first migraine I got after coming home from the hospital was the most pain I had ever experienced. It was when I learnt that pain can feel like waves rolling through the mind.

  8. When I feel at one with my other half, when nothing else in the world matters.

  9. Recovery in ICU rom Major Surgery...!!

  10. Do you know those 2p machines that push other 2p's down a series of levels until they come out the bottom ?

    I once won 32p on one of those in one go.

    I nearlly came in my pants.

  11. Having my genitalia on fire...It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be

  12. Hahahahahaha

    you must be thinking of what I'm thinking...


    that is a very sick and disturbing topic.

  13. ummmm one of those orgasms that soak the bed and then make you cry with the intensity :0)

  14. once i had Anesthesia injection in the middle of an abscess. wished i die that moment. this is what i call pain in the A$$.  

  15. uhm lets see... dislocating my shoulder... getting my finger stuck on the rear cog of my bike.... standing up suddently and smashing into the garage door (corner) with my forehead....

    not making it to the toilet and pooing in my pants... what else.... I can't think of anything else really... well i did touch 240v more than once and I did hit the side of my head onto the tatami during a judo fight where I passed out....

  16. Last night. It was the greatest o****m I've ever had in my life. I don't even think I'll have one just like it again. It was amazing. It was soooo intense that I actually started crying really hard. My husband was like WTF?!?!?! WHAT DID I DO?!?!? LoL it was great. Ahhh. I love my hubby.  

  17. Skydiving.  Still haven't found the words.

  18. blowing up a stove in my face or jumpin out of an airplane on purpose or sexual relations with kelly mosser davenport  

  19. tearing so bad after giving birth i had to go to surgery to have stitches, i walked like John Wayne for a week. Most pain ever.

  20. Nearly dieing in a car accident then the fear of getting out of said car while loosing a litre and a hal of blood while petrol is leaking evrywhere..... brought a whole new meaning to adrenaline rush to me

  21. Breaking my arm, it was crushed.

  22. My poptart got stuck and I jammed a fork in the toaster. YAYAYAYAGGGGGH! That was awesome!!

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