
Survey...What pet do you have?

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I have a cat, puppy and 4 gold fish. Wat bout everyone else ??




  1. I have 1 guineapig and 1 dog (Maltese)    

  2. I have one puppy... enough trouble with one pet I think

  3. I have......

    4 dogs

    3 cats

    17 fish

    7 rabbits

    and more rabbits on the way!!!!!

  4. I have 1 German Shepherd puppy and 1 Boyfriend. Does my little sister count?  

  5. i have 1 dog thats a yorkiepoo named liberty

  6. I have 2 cats Mickey Mouse and Princess Tinkerbell and 5 kids and a husband

  7. I have one dog, one rabbit and one guinea pig, would have more if I was allowed  

  8. 2 black cats, a couple of fish and a friendly sheep called lilly who eats rich teas. lol x x x

  9. I Have a horse and a dog and i have 3 cats x

  10. I have a lizard and a turtle. I real want a dog, but im not sure why i dont have one yet. hahahahaha

  11. i have a kitten, she is 8 months old, was 4 weeks when me and my partner got her, she is so spoilt and we love her so much!! her name is mia! she is our baby girl.

  12. A ferret, a cat, and a beta fish.  

    Brewsky, Tito, and Harvey

    My boys!

  13. 1 rottie

    1 Shitzu, Lhaso apso mix (Lotsa-****.. haha)

    1 kitty

  14. I have two purple clawed hemit crabs( hermie and Mr. crabs), Two dogs, a golden retreiver and a roc mix( Lobo and Jade) and three birds.

  15. i have 3 cats- Tiger, Tasha, and Madison

    1 dog, black lab, named Coby

    and 2 birds 1 named Moco and the other Coby

    (we got the bird first, then my bros girlfriend got a puppy and named it coby and gave it to us cuz her mom didnt like him)

  16. 3 dogs- Macy Kujo (yorkies) Princess (sheltie)

    4 birds -Sam(blue front) Bonnie(cockatoo) Ruffles(quaker) Roxy(sun conure)

    2 sugar gliders- Nala and Rafiki

    3 newts- Elliot, Boggie, and Benard

    2 tanks of fish


    14 (not exact because of fish tanks full of about 20 fish each)

  17. A rabbit called Phoenix and 2 gerbils called Flash and Zippy (:

  18. i have

    -1 boy guinea pig (taco)

    -1 girl guinea pig (pym)

    - 1 chihuahua (bella)

    - 1 chowchow dog (lilo)

    - 5 fish small fish ( names?????)

    - 1 gold fish (sammy)

    - 1 rabbit (jacob  buttercup)

    - 1 cat (kittycotty)

    and thats all!!!!!

  19. I have:

    2 Cats

    1 King Charles Spaniel

    1 Lionhead rabbit

    1 Dwarf lop rabbit

    3 Russian dwarf hamsters

    3 giant african land snails (1 albino)

    5 Female Guppy Fish

    1 Male Guppy fish

    2 Penguin tetra's fish

    2 Silvertip tetra fish

    4 neon tetra fish

    2 dwarf gourami fish

    1 swordtail fish

    2 peppered corydoras fish

    3 fire ring danio fish

    4 goldfish

    2 red ramshorn snails

    2 golden apple snails

  20. i have a tortoise shell norweigan forest cat (from a shelter). they love people and have great personalities. she's a doll and won't tolerate other pets. plants are also great and you don't have to clean up after them!

  21. I have 6 bunnies, 2 Horsfield tortoises, 2 Horsfield tortoise eggs due to hatch soon! and a Herman Tortoise.

  22. I have a Cat named Snickers. She's about a year old. She's a domestic short hair and she has black and caramel colored fur. She's just like a small child, She cries at night until I come in my room to sleep and say good night. I love her so much.

    I have a chocolate lab named Cocoa. She's very sweet. She was the runt of her litter, so she's small. She's almost 12 years old!!  I love her so much too!

    I'm fish-sitting a red betta for my mom's coworker. His name is Tim. He just swims around in his bowl, = l

    And I'm hoping to be getting a bunny soon...

  23. 1 8 year old cat

    2 adult fire belly newts

    3 baby newts

    7 Purple pincer land hermit crabs

    3 Ecuadorian land hermit crabs

  24. I have 1 dog

             1 chinchilla

             1 goldfish

             1 budgie


    and thats about it

    have a good day :)


    AND 2 CATS




  26. I have 3 cats. Swore I would never have more than two but there she was, dumped by people who moved away, little thing with big eyes who now owns me completely.

  27. i have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a goldfish. but one dog is my brothers and one of the cats is only a kitten

  28. I have doggy called Sasha, she is a staffy cross. And have 2 cats called Marbels and General Caticus/Lord Scratchington.(His name changes depending on his mood lol)

  29. well i myself have 2 corn snakes...fluffy and chardonay.

    an orange winged amazon parrot...although hes more moms as hes evil 2 every 1 esle

    3 fish

    and a cockatiel lol

  30. A Cobra called Sidney the Snake

    A Lizzard called Leonard

    A Scorpion called Sting   dont no why   ???

  31. Oh gee, where do I start,

    I have 3 horses

    2 dogs

    6 cats

    1 fish

    7 hermit crabs

    1 hamster

    2 bunnies

    1 bird

    hmm, I feel like I'm missing something..


    and 2 brothers.


    Have a nice day.

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