
Survey. What was the last thing that got you angry?

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Survey. What was the last thing that got you angry?




  1. My neighbor--he is always blocking my driveway!


  2. My sons ex


  3. Someone lied to me, I don't like that.

  4. Thinking back over my life.

  5. Again my partners inability to have a conversation without him losing his cool. Two wrongs don't make a right though. My anger and his impatience.

  6. My boyfriend nagging me. Tht sounds so wrong. It was yesterday.

  7. i stubbed my toe on the bathroom scales  

  8. My 13 year old criminal mastermind.  One of these days I'm not going to be so stupid.  Unfortunately, it'll be too late for her to listen to me then!

  9. When my cat tore off the cord to my keyboard.

  10. being false promised something. I'm still really angry about that.

  11. i ordered a chinese takeaway and they forgot the bloody spring rolls :(

  12. A certain husband keeping secrets away from his wife.

    And I don't keep secrets away from him, I'ts not in my nature to be secretive.

  13. Just the Troll here get my heckles up from time to time.  Otherwise I am sane and very much in control

  14. An e-mail from one of the bosses at work in which he spoke down to me.  

  15. Today when I had to walk home from the grocery store with 10 or more bags of groceries. A few dirty old men beeped their horns at me, but nobody stopped to offer a ride..! $!@# I would have taken a ride, if they asked me, then if they tried to hit on me, I would have smacked them upside the head with a soup can, lol!

  16. hmmm! oh it was when someone was winding me up and i had no cigarettes!

    is someone making you angry charlie....i'm passive aggressive so you never can tell with me he he!

  17. The social worker who is supposed be helping my autistic son and my family and can't do her job properly , and failing him and us badly.

  18. somebody wrote their name in permanent marker on my garden wall

  19. I haven't been angry for a while now.

    The last person to make me angry was my son. He kept putting off a job I'd asked him to do so I refused to do his ironing.

  20. A certain keeper last sunday

  21. The person who cloned my account the other week, the sicko was asking and answering questions in a way i wouldn't have done..

  22. Someone ate all my malteasers last night.

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