
Survey...What would you like to do.??

by Guest61301  |  earlier

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For the rest of this day.?




  1. I've finished my tea, so I'm gonna chill out, Nothing, Zilch, Nadda.

  2. want, b with my friends

    need, do my homework =[

    thts what i get fr putting it off till today.  

  3. stuff around my house  

  4. wells schools tommorow

    and im super nervous

    so just go out and eat and relax :)

  5. become rich

  6. I would like to be *somewhere* making sure that *someone* stopped in bed like he was told to by his doctors(have threatened to go and handcuff him to the bed..but he seemed quite pleased about that)LOL...instead I am going to spend the evening hunting out PE kits that I washed at the beginning of the summer hols and I am blowed if I can remember what the heck I did with them!!Yay back to school tomorrow!! :-))

  7. Eat!!..xx

  8. I would like to get a game of football going with my friends, do my trig packet in which is due wednesday and i would like to see my gf

  9. I want to spend a couple of millions... perhaps 3.


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  10. I want to return to Bournemouth today & have another day out, was fun..........!!!!

  11. Have a BBQ and a beer on the beach ;-)

  12. Fortunately, I have today off since it's Labor Day here in the U.S. I'm basically relaxing. I plan on going to the gym, eating out, the movies, and spending time on here of course.

  13. Absolutely nothing.

    1st day back in work and I'm shattered.

  14. Will be watching the tv footage of Hurricane Gustav  hitting New Orleans, very scary, so glad we don't have this sort of thing in the uk, have contacts in America

  15. Like to do: Go to the beach

    Have to do: Clean my house

  16. relax for a couple of hour"s  in a bath full of bubbles, shame there"s no-one to scrub my back as well though....ah, well we can"t always have it all

  17. Relax--it is a holiday here in the USA.

  18. There isnt much of the day left.. its night time now (although i had the greatest time today... partyin like crazzyyy with friends)

    I'm tired.. will surely doze off after a lil bit of surfing..

  19. I know what I would like to be doing and that is just chill out, but instead I will be doing battle with a 10 year old who will not want to go to bed as he has school tomorrow

  20. not have to think about wat is going to happen tomorrow in school, i just cant stop thinking about school!!  

  21. I would have liked to just use the grill, sit outside and enjoy the breeze and take it easy.

    What I am actually doing doesn't even come close.

  22. There's nothing left of the day,its some tv,listen to some music and forget about all my worries.  

  23. understand

  24. Have fun in my nice new bed that came today! =D

  25. Crawl into bed with my quilt wrapped around me like a cocoon!

  26. Work on my stand-up sketch routine with m' mates...

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